Chapter 7

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Sleeping wasn't half as hard as I thought it was going to be. I put my heavy curtains in so no sunlight would reach my bed and I slept through the whole day. The hard part was waking up, because for about a millisecond you think everything is fine and normal, but then it all comes rushing back and you are so glad that

you are already lying down when the crushing sense of reality sets in. And that's where i'm at right now. The sun had set and I'm a vampire. As I slowly wake up and become fully aware, I realize that i'm a thirsty vampire. I pick up the phone and dial Parker's number. He picks up on the first ring. "G-" I want to say God

but my tounge ties itself up. Oh yeah. I remember now. I can't say holy words. "Is everything ok, Jade? I can be at your door in literally five minutes." I laugh a little at his worry but say "No, it's fine. I just had a quick question before I head out."

"Shoot." Parker says easily. I could just imagine him in his apartment or wherever he lived, with his feet kicked up, waiting for me to ask a question,a small knowing smile across his face. "Um, I was wondering about the law and drinking blood. Is it legal, or?" The rest of my sentence trails off as I wait for him to answer.

"Yeah, it's legal as long as you don't kill them. Just take what you need but keep them alive. Sedate them maybe. Or hypnotise them into forgetting it ever happened or into thinking they were doing something entirely different."

"I can do that?"

"Sure! Go try it out for a spin! Just stay safe and don't do anything stupid or illegal. And most importantly, don't expose yourself to humans."

"Yes mom." I say through a giggle.

"Whatever." He mutters and I hear the line go dead.

I get dressed and as I'm about to put on some make-up I find my mirror empty of my reflection. "WHAT? WHAT IS THIS LIFE?" I yell to myself. Great, I couldn't put on any make-up. I begin to wonder if I looked any different than from when I was human. I call Parker again.


"Do people tend to look different when they get turned into a vampire? Oh, and thanks for telling me about the whole reflection thing. That was freaky weird."

"Yeah. Sorry. And yes. People tend to become paler, they get much better skin complexion. Like porcelian. Sharper colored eyes. That kind of stuff."

"Do you know what I looked like as a human?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Could you please try to tell me how I look different? Please?"

"Uh... Yeah. Sure."

I could tell that he felt a bit uncomfortable with this situation, but I appreciated him trying.

"Your eyes are a lighter, brighter blue instead of grey. Your hair is now pitch black, instead of dark brown. You are very pale. You have, I guess brighter red lips? I don't know."

"Yeah. Thanks Parker. I'm going to go out now. Bye."

"Ok. Bye Jade."


 I've never snuck out of the house before, simply because I never had to. This was a first. I tip-toe out into the hallway, but soon realize that I can just walk without making any noise. VAMPIRE PERK! Yay! I make my way down the stairs cautiously when I hear a door creak open. The sound of the local news broadcast pours through the open

doorway, and is quickly snuffed out. I hear another door, the bathroom door open and close. I let out a breathe that I didn't need to hold in the first place. Old habits die hard I guess. I slip through the door and into the cold night. I walk towards the city and remember what Parker told me about being freakishly fast, I also remember him telling

me to not get caught. I consider the proes and cons of each choice before deciding to enjoy my time being dead. I break into a run and soon find that Parkers' statement of freakishly fast to be an understatement. I was faster than a speeding bullet. Like superman, but with no pulse. It was amazing. Until, that is, I realized I had no idea where it was that

I wanted to go. A coffee shop? Too open. A book store? Too close to home. Then, it dawns on me. Where were there desperate guys looking for a blind fun night with a pretty girl? A bar.

I speed to the most popular and only bar/nightclub I knew of "Oblivion".

It only took twenty dollars to bribe the bouncer, which both worried and pleased me. As soon as I walked in, I could feel the steady base vibrate through me, much like a human heart. I could almost pretend it was my own. I shove my way through the throng of sweaty dancers toward the bar. I take a seat and order the only drink I could think of, A Vodka Tonic.

The bartender hands me the slender glass and I wrap my hands around it. I sit there and look around, when I hear a clear voice, with a proper english accent say "I wouldn't drink that if I were you." I turn around and find an attractive young man with a light brown quiff smiling at me with perfect, white teeth. I raise my eyebrow and say "Oh? Why not?"

The man emits a low chuckle before saying "Because we can't ingest that stuff. Don't you know that by now?" My grow as wide as saucers and all I can do is stare at this man, who supposedly knew what I was and was climing that he was one too. "Relax. The bartender is a fellow Night's Child aswell." I turn my gaze to the bartender, but he is busy across the table with

other clubbers. "I take it your new to this whole world. I'm Cedric, by the way. Cedric Cartwright." He holds out a slender hand. I take it and shake it firmly and say "Jade Allister. And yeah. I'm fairly new."

"This would be your first time feeding then?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Well, I would be happy to show you how it's done." I squint at him suspiciously. He smiles and adds "Free of charge." I nod and tell myself inside my head "I need all the help I can get." 

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