1 - He must not know.

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Btw this ISNT a stereotype book ok expect the unexpected

I still miss the lingering feeling of his soft lips on mine, as we pulled away I stared deep into his chocolate brown eyes, him, for a while then he broke the silence, "We have to tell him," He spoke softly as I widened my eyes in shock.

"What? No, you can't be serious, " I answered. I looked deeply into his eyes, "he will kill you."

We both sat down on my bed, "we should of never have lied if he finds out...  "he continued.

"He won't "I interrupted him before he could finish his sentence, even though I know what he's going to say what I don't want him to say. I couldn't bear it if anything happened to him, but I know if Klaus Mikaelson, the hybrid most feared in all lands finds out about my affair with his own brother ...I know what he will do.

Niklaus Mikaelson has many enemies. He has lived a long, long life, and in this time never managed to find someone who understood him and excepted him for all his flaws. He can be romantic, and I think it was his charm that finally won me over or the constant rambling on and begging or maybe the fact he understood me as well as I did him. He had a troubled past and I felt sympathy for him, his mother stripped him off everything good in his life when turned him into a vampire, then took away his werewolf gene because off his step father's jealousy. His mother indiscretions when she cheated on her husband caused the father to be angry and made him so furious he spent his entire life wanting to kill Klaus and him, Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, and Finn spent a thousand years running, running away from someone that's supposed to be a father to you.

It's sad really...

The life of the original family has always been known as a dangerous. Elijah, with him being the noble, honourable one, always putting his family in front of his own well being until he met me of course.

I came in between the brothers.

He has spent his life looking for Klaus's redemption. Hoping to save the ounce of humanity he had left, searching for a thousand years of bad deeds, death, strife, and pain he has inflicted on others, while he is a bystander, watching in front of him unfold the worst things imaginable on others for petty reasons. Yet he still looks inside and sees his brother who once was innocent and remembers that this life they're living has been forced upon them. None of this is their fault, still looking for the little speck of humanity he may have inside and maybe in another thousand years he can find it and help him turn his bad deeds good. Make him a better person, and hopefully overcoming the guilt from all the suffering he has forced upon others.

He has always put family above all. 'He believes with family comes power, but I never had the luxury of having a family.

I was adopted and then when I triggered my werewolf curse, I was in my sitting room tearing it to shreds, then they came in...

My adoptive parents...

They disowned me. I was left on my own with no place to call home.

A lone wolf. An Omega. That's what I liked to call myself.

Until I met Klaus, a twisted mind with a twisted life, his past never fails to haunt him and his present was filled with darkness and strife.

His paranoia gets the best of him, suspecting that no one loves him and in the end, they would just leave him to rot.

A control freak who likes to have everything in the palm of his hand.

He once told me the reason he loves art. His ethic is that when he paints, it's his choice.

'I am in charge of everything. The canvas. The colour. I'm in control of it all.' He said.

He keeps these deceitful objects. Daggers to be exact.

Whenever he feels as if his siblings fail to appease him or disloyal him in any sort of way, all he has to do is shove the dagger into their hearts. Perhaps at times, he uses the daggers when he feels they are interfering with his diabolical plans.

But of course, you can never completely kill an Original without using the white oak stake.

When he feels of sudden use of them, he just simply takes the dagger out. Although he hasn't done in a while, probably just to please me. Not because he had a change of heart.

Underneath all that misery he sent his siblings and hatred they had for him because of his constant betrayals, I think he knew it wasn't because of just that.

Rebekah has always been desperate for love. A human life, ordinary life, without all the supernatural shit in their lives.

Elijah and I finally left the room, until I felt a lump in my throat and started running to the bathroom, throwing up lunch.

"Good thing I was about to eat. I'm getting take-out because the only edible or drinkable things kept in this house is booze and blood," I said trying to relax from what's about to come.

As I search the sanitary cupboard I come across tampons.

Realization hit me like a brick

"I'm late. "

Hii this is my first ever chapter for this book I hope you liked it I LOVED writing it. I just had to leave it at a cliffhanger really hope you liked it. I stole the last scene from twilight breaking dawn part 1 I love twilight I've seen it a billion times I just changed it a bit and I also changed the bit when I was talking about Klaus being a control freak " I am control of everything the canvas the colour I am in charge of it all " I stole that scene from the originals if you can't tell this is a fanfiction off the originals I AM OBSESSED WITH THE SHOW OMFG I LOVEEE IT SOO MUCH .Trust me the biggest fan right here (pointing at myself with a proud grin bigger than the cat from Alice in wonderland)I love the show (duh I just said that) same with teen wolf and the vampire diaries. love all the shows SOOOO MUCH. sorry, this is quite long I'm just really excited I really and truly hope you did enjoy please vote and comment it will encourage me to write more and if you love the shows as much as I do (I HIGHLY DOUBT THAT ) message me and comment below what you think.

Disclaimer: This is going to be a bit different to the tv show but some scenes will be similar.

BTW: I normally don't write heated scenes like what happened, in the beginning, I normally skip them in the books I read I put it too as minimal detail as possible.


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