Chapter Five

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Mark's POV

I hear a knock on the door and quickly run with Chica behind me to get it. Before I can even answer it, the door opens and I'm greeted by Tyler, Winter and Ethan blowing air horns in my face. I stand there, completely still and barely even breathing. I wait patiently until they're done and then I slam the door in their face with a smile. All I hear is them laughing before they open the door again and come inside.

"Where is everyone?" Tyler asks as he looks around.

"Jay's in the kitchen, Felix is out back with Edgar and Maya and Jack is still asleep." I reply. Winter smirks at me.

"What were you two doing last night, huh? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge?" She laughs. I blush a little and quickly cover it up with a laugh. She knows I like Jack. (A/N- There will be Septiplier in here too! I ship it!)

"Shut up, man!" I mean, Jack did have a nightmare and came and slept with me last night, but it was totally professional! Cuddling and stuff but still professional!

"Uh-huh, sure Mark! What you do in the privacy of your bedroom is your business." Winter states before heading into the kitchen to probably eat all my Goldfish... Because that's what she does when she's at my house. She steals my Goldfish.

"So, how was last night?" I wink at Ethan after Tyler goes to join Felix.

"Shut up, Mark!" He laughs and blushes some.

"Seriously, how'd it go dude?" I repeat.

"It was, interesting. We got home, got changed and went to bed like normal. When I woke up, we were cuddling and she wouldn't let me get out of bed. It was nice though." He chuckles.

"I knew you two would hit it off. She told me years ago that she would do anything to meet you and now she's sleeping in the same bed as you!? Wow, she must be trying so hard not to fangirl the fuck out of her mind!" I laugh as I walk into the kitchen and leaving Ethan to his thoughts. Unfortunately, I walk into the kitchen and see Winter on top of the refrigerator with the last Monster and eating all of my Goldfish. "Dammit, Winter! How the hell did you get up there?"

"You may be the Squirrel King, but I am the Chipmunk Queen. We're cuter and better at everything." She proceeds to stuff her face with Goldfish and take a huge swig of the Monster.

"You're gonna be so hyper." I shake my head as I get a chair and stand on it, retrieving my Goldfish from her cold-hearted grasp.

"It makes for more interesting videos. Speaking of which, Ethan! You and I are twining!" She yells as she somehow manages to leap straight forward off the fridge and tackle Ethan to the ground. I had no idea he was even in the room, but that's probably because I suck at life! By now Felix and Tyler have come back inside and have witnessed this scene with huge smiles. As fast as possible, we all pull out our phones and cameras and a unanimous click and flash is heard as we very quickly take the photo. What? We can't just let a moment like that pass without taking advantage of the perfectly photogenic couple! Legit, I ship them now.

"Hey," Ethan yells as they both scramble to stand up.

"YOU GUYS ARE CUTE, MAKE OUT!" Felix screams. Ethan blushes and Winter just laughs.

"Maybe a little later." She winks at Ethan and then proceeds to run up the stairs.

"Where's she going?" Jay asks.

"Probably to get Jack," Tyler suggests.

Winter's POV

I rush up the stairs and then lean my back against the wall once I'm around the corner. Dammit, I really wanted to kiss him! Why didn't I kiss him!? Ugh, I had the perfect chance and I let it slip through my fingers. Whatever, it was probably just instinct or something. I open the first door I see and find Jack laying in Mark's bed, his shirtless body half under the covers and sleeping peacefully. Not for long, Jackaboy! >:}

I run to the bed and proceed to jump on it like a five year old.

"Noooooooo," Jack complains as he swats at me with a pillow.

"Get up, you Irish fuck!" I yell.

"Five more minutes?" He pleads.

"Too late for that, you missed breakfast and we have a video to record!" I continue to jump on the bed until I eventually end up pushing Jack off the bed. He lands with a thud and then groans as he sleepily stands up. "Here," I dig through his stuff and throw him a pair of black skinny jeans and a red sweatshirt with his black beanie. "Get dressed or I will dress you!" I command. He tiredly slips the shirt on and then the pants, then clumsily throws the beanie on his head. "NO TIME FOR SHOES," I grab his hand and pull him down the stairs with a fair amount of effort. "I GOT THE IRISHMAN!" I scream as I drag him by his foot into the living room.

"Oh my gosh, what did you do to him!?" Tyler laughs.

"I woke him up and now he's all grumpy. At least I got him dressed!" I pause and look down at Jack, "Though I think that Mark would've liked him better without a shirt." I wiggle my eyebrows in Mark's direction and he just scoffs in a failing attempt to hide his blush.

"Shut up, Winter." Jack rubs his eyes and then stands with a yawn and a stretch. "Good morning, everyone." He smiles with his cute morning look as he slumps some.

"Good morning, sweetheart!" Mark laughs at him.

"Shut it, Markimoo!" He replies with a smile.

"Wait, are you two together or something?" Felix asks.

"Oh, no! No, sorry!" Jack laughs. I see Mark's smile drop as he walks into the other room. I give a sympathetic smile and follow after him. 

"Are you okay?" I ask as I find Mark in his studio.

"Yeah, I guess." He replies.

"Mark, I know what you're thinking. Jack didn't mean it that way. It's not like you guys actually are together." He looks away. "Wait," I pause as I look over at him. "Are you guys together?" I ask.

"Yes," He sighs and rubs his eyes with the heel of his palm.

"Oh my gosh, wait you are?" I ask with a wide-eyed stare.

"Yes, we have been for three months. We've been Skyping and texting everyday as well as making as many collabs as possible on games without looking suspicious." He explains.

"So are you guys trying to keep it a secret?" I inquire.

"I want to come out and let everyone know, but Jack wants to wait until things settle down some. Get the big things out of the way like PAX, Demicon, Gamex and other stuff before telling everyone. I'm just sick of it being a secret and I hoped that he would at least tell our most trusted friends like you guys." Mark pouts a little.

"Talk to him about it, tell him that I think that you guys should make it public and that I won't tell anyone unless you guys want me to. I support you no matter what, but seriously... Septiplier is the biggest YouTube ship right now. Think of every possible outcome and then make a decision. Please try to stay together though, I couldn't possibly stand it if you two broke up. I need my daily dose of Septiplier." I smile at him.

"Fine then," He chuckles. "I'll tell him tonight. We should probably get recording though." He hugs and thanks me before we walk back into the living room with his tripod and camera at the ready. "You guys wanna get started?" A chorus of 'yeahs' string through the house and I smile.

This should be fun then.

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