1. Meeting.

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  • Dedicated to Raghaav Rajendran

Its a love story. A love story about a boy who was about to die, a love story about a girl who was about to lie. 

The story starts when the boy comes home, from the hospital he had a check up in, all alone. The story starts when the boy meets the girl, in a lonely road and desperately alone. 

Sitting on a footpath of a homely road he cried his heart out. Just then he heard a voice, very strong and confident but feminine and lovely at the same time. 

"What happened?" She asked. He didn't know but he wanted to talk to her the moment she appeared.

"I don"t know whats happening with me." He cried.

"Oh. Don't worry its going to be alright. I am not saying it because I don't know whats up with you, I know its very hard and the thing bothering you must be very bad but I am saying this because I have faith. And you should too keep faith." She replied.

"Its a harsh life. I loved her, loved her very much. She didn't understand. She thought I was talking like all other guys."

"Why did she thought so? There must be some problem, you know. May be she liked some one else and she didn't want to break your heart or may be she does not know the depth of your feelings. You should talk to her again."

"I can not."

"Why? Don't give up. Try and keep faith. I am sure she'll understand and she'll love you back."

"OH OH OH! That's the problem. She can't love me back."

"Why? Did she say so?"

"No. I know so."

"Oh c'mon. At least try one more time. Tell her how much you love her and tell her all."

"You think so?"

"Oh. Yes."

"Thanks. You really did help me."

"That's okay. Really." And she started to leave.



And they left. Went on their respective paths. Little did they know that they were meant to meet. They were made for each other. They were in each other's lives to teach them the value of love and faith.

Weeks passed, they didn't meet. They almost forgot about each other. 

One day when the boy was walking down the same road he saw her. He stopped by and thought to say hi. He approached her and saw she was crying. He thought to leave her alone but then remembered how she consoled him and moreover, he too wanted to talk.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh hey. I am, I am nothing." Replied she, very nervously.

"Tell me. I am your friend." He asked again, very confidently.

"I am a liar." She broke into tears.

"I am sorry? Is that your problem? What did you lie?" 

"I told my mom that I went to the library when I was in a party getting drunk because of a friend."

"Okay. Tell her the truth. Is she against parties?"

"Umm I don't think so. In-fact she likes parties."

"Good. Then what is the problem?"

"The problem is that it will crush her heart and break her soul that I lied to her on such a pity thing. I never lie."

"Hmmmm. Then you must speak to her and tell her why did you lie and I know she'll be okay with it."

"Hmmm okay. But what if she does not trust me again? What if she abandons me?"

"She wont. Its a very silly thing."

"She hates alcohol."

"Okay. Then stop drinking and say sorry."

"Its not that easy. You don't understand 'SHE HATES ALCOHOL.' If she learns that I consumed alcohol she will never talk to me. Never ever. Oh. I am a horrible daughter. I am a liar."

"Look, we all make mistakes that natural. More important is that you realized and are willing to never repeat it again. Trust me, that's the best thing. And it shows you are not horrible."

"You really think so? She won't hate me, right?"

"She won't. By the way, what happened to the 'keep faith, its going to be alright' girl?" 

"She got scared."

"The people having faith never get scared. I learned it from you. The way you were talking to me last time it gave me so much hope."

"Did that work out?"

"Ahh! No, it didn't. She doesn't like me. And its really okay too. She is the most beautiful and talented girl, why would she like me?"

"Because you are smart and handsome and caring. I mean, I think so. You deserve the best. Have faith, you'll get better."

"Yes. I have learned to keep faith and I guess, its going to work out for me. And as for you, go and talk to your mom." And he left.

This time too they didn't ask anything about each other.This relationship was one of its kind.

They shared their deep secrets with each other, without bothering to know anything more.

It was the relation every one of us wants. A relation void of complexities, just based on listening and understanding.

Will they be meeting again was a question both of them asked themselves before going to bed that night. 

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