Chapter 《1》

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I woddled up to our hotel room super pissed. "Dont forget to shake the sand out your trunks." Naruto smiles

"Fuck off." I snap and glare at him

He laughs and pushes me into the room, "dont worry, i love you regardless."

About half a year ago i asked Naruto to marry me, we went on vacation to Hawaii, and i put my career on hold.

In hawaii we wrote 2 whole books, with the help of Naru of course. We tried so mant american foods other than ramen, and we slept, a lot.

"What do you want to do now?" He asked as he played with my hair

Ive learned so many things about him. Like he has 3 light scars on each side of his face like whiskers. And he got them by actually trying to get rid of a face painting.

His eyes change colors, light blue in the spring and dark blue in the winter. And he has leaf tattoo on his inner thigh that he cant see and got when he was drunk.

Also he will only come onto me when his emotions are getting the best of him. Like when hes too happy or extremely sad.

"I want to do so many things that shouldnt be done on a hotel bed, but, you seem tired." I reply with a smirk on my face

"Im not tired." He replies with his eyes closed

"Sure you are." I whiper and brush his hair til he falls asleep

He doesnt understand how much i love this. How long i would stay like this. How i would just stay here with him and not go back to Japan.

I rolled out of the bed to the shower and as soon as i took of my shorts the whole beach fell out of my pants.

"Damn Uzumaki, your not gonna sleep anymore."


I sat at my desk, for what felt like hours. I was stuck. "Hey Naru." I call for him

He mutes the tv and sticks his head out the door. "Yes." He says so innocently

"Ok, so boy A love boy B. But boy B loves Boy C and C loves A. Make sense?" I ask

He nodds.

"So if boy A rejects C for B and B dates A knowing he like C, would that be ok?" I ask

"So boy B is dating boy A because he cant have C?" He asks back

"Yea. Would you ever do something like that?" I ask

He shakes his head. "In the end, if i was b i would get rid of both A and C because i hate drama."

"Yea but if you were in B's place? In the story." I explain

"Oh, i would fight for C." He says and walks over to my desk, "Because if i show C how much i love him he will finally understand how much i want him, and not A."

"I get it. So even if A is lonely, you wouldnt care?" I ask getting curious about this possessive side of Naruto

"A had a chance to be with C, but he passed it up."  Naruto said and leaned over the chair reading what i wrote so far "Dont let Hikari be with Hime, let Hikari see that hes hurting Tsumi, make Hikari fightfor Tsumi."

He walks away and plops down on the bed unmuting the tv.

3 of my best sellers, all have plots that Naru made. Sometimes i think he should be the writer, not me.

11:53 pm

I finished the first 3 chapters and decided to head to sleep. I layed down beside Naruto who was fast asleep. As soon as i got comfy he rolled over onto me, still sleep.

His hair brushing againt my neck and he slept. I inhaled a breath of Naruto. I cant explain how surrea this felt. Like one day something would happen and it would all be over, as if this were all i dream....

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