Honey Dew Melon

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His lips wreaked of honey dew. The smell of a sweet fruit i hate, but loved the taste of.

His eyes showed the ocean waves, crashing onto the sand. And his smile was that of magic, making all my worries go away.

His scent was a bitter sweet. Sweet to smell, bitter because it was a lingering scent, he's not around.

His hair resembled the points you drew after you made the sun. And his laugh filled the room with so much love and happiness.

These damn business trip kept me away from him. These phone calls with my boss kept me from hearing his voice and all women with strong perfume keep me from smelling his smell that lingered on me.

I kept thinking what i would do to be with him just for tonight. But being over 1 hour away, I can't just leave without being caught.

"This way sir." The waitress said as she placed her hand on my back snapping me out of my head

I followed her to a table where i unmistakably notice an old friend of mine that i worked for. My boss' boss to be exact. We sat for a moment, not saying much of anything. Just stares here and there.

He sat, his dark grey hair sticking out of his beanie. His green eyed piercing into mine.

"なんでしょう."  He said finally breaking the silence. (What do you want) His voice still as raspy as i remember.

I smirked a bit, "あなた わ わたし お しょたい しなかたあのですか." I watched him shift a bit like the needed something, something from me. (Did you or did you not invite me here.)

He leaned over the table messing with a spoon before replying, "あなた の たすけ が ひつよです." (I need your help.) His bit his lip and as if my heart wavered in that moment i was about to agree.

I clicked my tongue. What else would he be here for? "わたしわまわりおこんらんさせるじかんがない。だれかがわたしおまっている." (I dont have time to mess around. Someone's waiting for me.)

"そのぼろんど?あなたわかれおみりょする." (That blonde? You fancy him.) Envy coated his voice.

I rolled my eyes at his statement. Thinking about him. What was he doing right now? Who was he with? What was he wearing?

My mind drifted off imagining him laid out on our bed waiting for me to return home. I shifted a bit feeling uneasy.

"Is talking about him that much of a turn on?" He glanced up from the table that he had been staring at, "since my news can wait, go see him."

"Why? What is it?"

"Nothing." He smiled and leans over the table. "Just, since you've been with that kid you've been ignoring me." He bit his lip, and my mind wandered back to our old days.

Back when he bit my lower lip, when his hips would-

I smirked a bit and leaned over closer to him, "If you wanted a good fuck. Move along. I. Don't. Want. You."

"Keep acting up and I will cause a scene." His eyes were locked on me.

I didn't have to look, but i knew he was smirking. "Sir, if its okay with your I'd like to leave." I said forcing a smile.

"Do what you want. But be at my place by 12." He said as i walked out

I found myself wandering before getting in a cab home. Silent and long I waited for the car to stop before paying and getting out.

The time was 10:48 when i opened the door. I wouldn't be mad if Naru was sleeping, but to my surprise the bedroom light was on.

"Baby, are you up?"

"Mm." He wakes up and sit up before yawning "your back early."

"Yea." I smile before stealing a kiss. Im kissing him but i could only feel those cold green eyes.

I trailed wet kisses down his neck, running my fingering in his blonde hair but i could only see grey.

He was moaning my name and i wasn't even touching him but all i could hear was "be here by 12."

"I-Im sorry i gotta go." I push him against the bed and grab my jacket.


His voice was cut off by the door slamming. If he had just stayed in Atlanta i wouldn't be wavering like this.

If he didn't come to the restaurant than I wouldn't have felt that way. Why is he messing with me again.

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