A little more than a singing competition (Nouis fluff)

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“And from this moment on, the only way to stay in this competition is to be a band. Can you five do that?”

I tore my eyes from the great Simon Cowell and looked at the other four boys about my age who were now in my “band.”  They all had taken the news great jumping around and hugging each other, but me?  I just stood there digesting the news. I barely knew these four’s names and now we’re supposed to work together? The only one I was even half-sure I would get along with is the Liam kid, he seems nice.

                Simon breaks the little moment and instructs us to “go bond.” Hah, yeah right.  We all shuffle into the lobby, which everyone else has vacated, and stand awkwardly in a circle.  

“I think the whole band should dress like Louis, he’s cool.” I blurt then blush and duck my head when everyone snaps their heads to look at me. Stupid Niall, stupid. It was awkward I had to say something or we would have stood there forever. However, why him? Suddenly the tension is broken and everyone smiles and laughs. Louis smiles and says

“Well thanks Niall. “ I just nod quietly while the boys all talk about where we’re all going to hang out tonight. How they can go from quiet and awkward to insta-best friends I have no idea, I’m too shy. They all walk off and I reluctantly follow them to our new housing arrangements.

                Once we get situated into our bunks everyone else chatters nonstop and I just lay down looking up at the ceiling thinking about the day. When I am snapped out of my thoughts by the already familiar voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

“Niall where do you want to go eat?” I looked over to see Louis peering at me over the edge of my bunk. The rest of the boys were staring at me expectantly.

“Um.. anywhere you guys want will be fine with me” Louis cheers and jumps off the bunk.

“Pizza it is!” he yells and runs out of the room.  The rest of us groan but follow him. I stay a bit behind thinking about why I get so awkward when it comes to Louis.

“Niall! Come on!” Liam says as he piles into the already almost full car.

What have I gotten myself into?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2014 ⏰

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