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You run into your fathers closet. The loud footsteps of the strange man go around the house finally entering the room your in. He looks under the bed, behind the curtains, everywhere. Finally ending at the closet, he opens it you hide in the corner, his brown hair is now visible he looks to the left wile your at the right. He turns his head and spots you. He drags you out by your hair you keep your head down and your hands behind back. The man drags you downstairs and out the door. Once you both leave the house you pull your hands from behind your back.


You shot the man. Your hands are shaking from recall. People nearby hear the gun shot and call 911. When the police arrive you explain what happened. You tell them you have a gun because your dad is an X-army man and he has a legal license to have a gun in his house. In the end your parents come back thanking God that your alive, the police count your kill a self-defence case and turns out that the man you shot was stalking you for a year and killed 4 other young people around your age. Creepy.

Congrats you win!
(If you want to try for a different ending please go back to 'the start')

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