◈Chapter 9◈

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[Edit: Sorry! I had to unpublished because there was a lot of errors in this part so yah! Happy New Years! :)]

Also, there is going to be a new part tomorrow.
(Your POV)

You were finishing up your packing for the whole week you will be gone and your puppy was sleeping on your bed. You look at her, feeling a bit guilty on leaving her. Your phone soon starts ringing which brought you out of your thoughts. You grab it and answer.


"(Y/N)! When are you coming?! Are you here yet? Come on!!" You pull your phone away from your ear as your best friend yells with excitement.

Two days ago, you told her the news of you coming to California because David asked you to accompany him at a gaming convention. Soon after your finished a phone call with your best friend, you called your work place and told them that you will be flying to California for a week, you were happy that they let you.

"I haven't even arrived at the airport, I am still home packing." You reply to your friend who is anxious to see you once again.

"WHAT?! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU STILL HOME?!" You sigh and laugh at the same time.

"Chill (B/F/N), I will be there after a 10 hour and 37 minutes flight." (I looked that up, don't know if it's true but eh.)

"10 hour-" You can tell she set her phone down just so she can get up and scream. You were laughing at her the whole time.

"(Y/N)! I can't wait that long!" You finally zip up your suitcase and sit on the edge of your bed.

"I will text you when I boarded the plane alright?" You tell her as your puppy walks to you just so you can pet her.

"You better! Alright, see ya soon!" She hangs up after and you look down at your puppy who was happily laying on your lap. You soon heard knocks on your door and, of course what every dogs do, your puppy ran towards the door to bark at it. You shake your head and giggle.

You walk down your hallway towards your front door and opened it to see David with someone you don't quite recognize.

"Hey (Y/N), I would like to introduce ye to my brother, Aindreas." You look at the man that was much smaller than David. You smile warmly and extend your hand.

"Hi, its nice to finally meet you. I'm (Y/N)." He gladly shakes your hand and smiles.

"Nice to meet ya too, David here talks about ya all the time." David soon glared at his brother and returned to smiling at you.

"Oh, and I would like to introduce you to (D/N)." Your puppy soon went towards them to sniff them and such. Aindreas instantly bent down to meet the pup.

"Oh, she is very cute." Aindreas says and you smile.

"Thanks a lot for taking the responsibility of taking care of my puppy, it means a lot." Aindreas stands back up and nods.

"No problem, I love dogs so I would enjoy her company, Joe and Tony will love to play with her too though I will keep an eye on them since she is still a pup." You smile at the too and grabbed your puppy.

"We should start going (Y/N), our flight is in an hour." You nod and quickly go to grab your suitcase then grab a separate small bag where you put some things for your puppy.

"Here you go, I packed her some things in case of anything, thank you once again." You walk out of your home and lock it then you hand your puppy to Aindreas.

"Bye (D/N), I will miss you." You three walked down your front yard and Aindreas walks towards his and David's house to set up for your pup. You watch him go in and started to feel upset for leaving your puppy.

"Hey, its alright, I know how ye are feeling when I first got Joe, I didn't want to leave him when I had to travel but trust me, my brother knows how to take care of dogs." David sets a hand on your shoulder and he soon grabs your suitcase to put it in the trunk of his car which was parked in front of your home.

"Alright, let's go." You walk to the passenger seat next to David and buckle up.

"Ya ready to have the best time of ye life?" David says as he sits on the drivers seat. You look at him and smile.

"Yes, I am ready." David starts the car and off you both went to the airport.

The whole drive was nice. You both talked about many things. David explained what you should expect at E3 and he talked to you about his friends. Each of his friends sound like nice people but David says to be aware.

You were enjoying the ride as some views were gorgeous from how green Ireland was and how the sun was shining made everything better. David explained how he grew up in Ireland, his parents seem sweet.

You soon started to talk more about yourself and how you grew up in Cali. You also mentioned your best friend who will be awaiting for a text from you. David laughs as you tell him a story about how your best friend tripped in front of her boyfriend when they first met, it was both funny and cute because your best friends boyfriend helped her up.

"Gee, I can't wait to go back." You say and soon your positive thoughts disappeared as you remember why you flew to Ireland in the first place. David noticed and started to rub your shoulder, passionately.

"Hey, I don't want ya being upset during this trip, I invited ye to make ya happy so that's my job from here on out." You turn towards David and smiled.

"We are here." He parks the car and you both get out to get your luggage then walked inside.

You both soon boarded your plane and you were nervous. You pull out your phone and open your messages to send your best friend a text.

"I am on my plane, see ya soon." Is what you said, you put your phone away and David soon takes a seat next to you.

"Alright, excited?" He asks you and you play with your hands.

"A bit nervous." He looks at you and smiles.

"Don't worry, I am here if anything." You smile at David then slowly turn towards the window.

"Thank you." You whispered to yourself and the plane soon started.

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