prologue -Me

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Name. Age. Where I'm from. What my life is like. Those were the worst questions ever to me but those were the questions I was asked always . Being a  second year student in college I thought life would change but it didn't it was still the same. I was still the same person who was never going to change. "Dong Joo breakfast is ready" I heard my mom say just as I finished getting ready. I couldn't see anything it was all pitch black but also I could hear much more than anyone. The doctor's said that while
I lost my ability to see I was given a great gift. The ability to hear beyond others. It started a month after the accident I was In the hospital waiting for my medication when I heard two nurses talking about me . When they came in I asked them why they were talking about me and they were freaked out. I didn't understand but they told me that they were in the lobby and that my doors were closed and I couldn't get out of the bed due to the straps so they didn't understand. When the doctor found out he was so happy saying that this happened a lot people lose one ability and gain another he told me I was very lucky and my parents were so happy. But I wasn't and I knew I could never be. Why ? Because I found out that the person I've been believing in for a long time was fake. How did I know that, Because He didn't save me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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