Chapter Twelve

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It had been a few weeks since Riley and I had that deep conversation, but ever since then we've been a lot more close. For the past few weeks Riley would sneak over and sleep with me until he had to leave for school in the mornings. I hardly saw my dad anymore but Riley didn't want to take a chance of getting caught. It was about time for Riley to come over and as I opened the balcony door, I got a sickening feeling in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and right as I hit the floor, I emptied all the contents in my stomach. Soon I felt a soothing hand on my back and felt my hair being pulled up into a pony tail.

"Do you need anything?" Riley asked as I stood to brush my teeth.

"A sandwich would be nice." I replied.

"A sandwich? You just threw up babe. Are you sure that's a good idea?" He asked as he leaned in the doorway.

"I'm about to starve. I feel fine." I replied after wiping my mouth and finishing brushing my teeth. I walked into Riley's chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Go get in the car." He finally said with a sigh. I looked up at him and smiled before kissing his cheek. I went to pull away and leave but he pulled me back into his chest and kissed my lips before stealing a few more pecks and letting me leave. I ran down the stairs since dad wasn't home and ran outside to jump into Riley's car. He got in a few seconds after I did and he quickly started the car. It was freezing against his leather seats so he reached in the back and grabbed one of his jackets for me. Once the heat was going he put the car in drive and we pulled off. In about 15 minutes we pulled into the McDonalds parking lot. He jumped out and walked around to open my door. He held his hand out for me and I took it as I pulled myself out of the car and laced my fingers with his before holding onto his arm with my other hand and walking quickly into the warm fat smelling restaurant. Seeing as it was 1am there weren't many people inside so we took our time. There was an elder lady working the register who told us to let her know when we were ready.

"What do you want to eat?" Riley asked as he laid his head sideways, onto mine, as he looked at the menu.

"I just want chicken nuggets." I replied.

"I thought you said you wanted a sandwich earlier?" He asked with a quizzical look.

"I changed my mind." But it came out more of a question than a statement. He just smiled at me and kissed my head before stepping up to order.

"Are you two ready?" The lady asked smiling widely at us.

"Just chicken nuggets?" He asked looking at me. I simply nodded.

"I believe we are," he paused to look at her name tag, " Gladis." He said with a smile. "Can I get a 10 piece chicken nugget and a double cheese burger with a large fry and large sweet tea?"

"You sure can sweetie."

"Why'd you get large fries? You don't even eat all of the medium." I asked looking up at him while still holding his arm.

"Because I know you'll want some of mine when we get in the car." He said smiling at me.

Gladis smiled at the two of us and handed Riley the cup. Riley went to fill the cup while I waited on the food.

"Are you alright sweetheart? You look a little pale." The woman asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. I got sick a little bit ago but I'm okay now."

"Does he know?" She asked nodding towards Riley.

"He was there when I got-"

"No no sweetie. Does he know you're with child?" I stared at he wide eyed.

"No ma'am, I'm not expecting." I said with a nervous laugh.

"I speak from personal experience love. Getting sick than being hungry in a matter of minutes? Sounds like you're expecting to me. But I could be wrong. Do you use protection?" She whispered the last part. I nodded.

"We both do. Condoms and birth control." I whispered back.

"I'll pay for your food if you promise to go take a test." She whispered before looking up at Riley who was walking back to us. She handed me the food bag and sent me a wink. Riley and I went back to the car and as we got in he looked at me.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked placing his hand on my thigh.

"Can we-can you take me to the drug store? I need to grab something." I said with a small smile. He gave me a look of disbelief but nodded nevertheless. As we pulled in I kissed his cheek and went to the tampons but walked past them to the pregnancy tests. I grabbed 2 boxes and went to the front to get a birthday card and some candy so the guy working wouldn't think they were for me. I payed and walked back out to Riley's car, keeping the bag out of his view. Since tonight was a Friday night we just went back to Riley's. I went upstairs and into the bathroom with the tests. I read the back and followed all the instructions before placing 4 tests in the sink. I closed the lid on the toilet and waited a few minutes before standing to look at the tests. All 4 of them had the same 2 lines. It was true. I was pregnant. How was I going to tell Riley? I walked out of the bathroom with the 4 tests and walked into the kitchen where Riley sat at the bar. I grabbed some paper towels and laid the down in front of him before placing the tests in front of him. He looked at them and then back to me then back to the tests. He stood up slowly and walked over to me. He took small steps to me but before he reached me he fell to his knees as he propped himself up with his feet. He lifted my shirt slowly as he looked at my stomach. He placed his hands on the sides of my stomach before pressing his lips to my skin. I sat on the floor with him and he sat with his back against the cabinets as he pulled me onto his lap as we wept silently together. After what felt like hours, Riley picked me up and carried me into his room and placed me in his bed before covering me up.

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