Chapter 12

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*Lilia's P.O.V*

I wasn't really looking forward to the day ahead, because today was Joe's last day with us before he had to head back to London. I could almost guarantee that I would get all emotional when I would have to say goodbye, just like I did at Jim and Tanya's.

Anyway, I woke up at about 9:00 which was quite late for me and went downstairs without getting dressed first. We were going into town later, but that wasn't until lunchtime so I didn't need to get dressed just yet.

"Good morning, Lils." Alfie smiled at me as I walked into the kitchen, where he was making himself breakfast.

"Morning." I smiled back as I grabbed a yoghurt from the fridge. I didn't really fancy anything else. I then grabbed a spoon and went into the cosy room, where Zoe, Mark, Connor and Joe were. I was greeted with smiled and "good mornings" and a grunt from Connor. I greeted everyone back with a smile, apart from Connor, and sat next to Joe on the sofa.

For the next hour or so, Joe and I messed around and teased each other and laughed and I actually forgot about things for a while, but then I remembered Joe wouldn't be here tomorrow morning and all of sudden, I couldn't have fun anymore.

"I'm, um, going to get dressed." I quickly excused myself. Nobody seemed to notice my sudden change in mood, which was good. I left the cosy room and went back upstairs to my room. I didn't get dressed, though. I just sat on my bed and pulled my knees to me chest. I didn't think I was going to cry, I just wanted to sulk. I was interrupted, however, when someone knocked on my bedroom door, "Come in." I called, not thinking much of it, but regretted it when Connor walked in, "What do you want?"

"You seemed to be in a bad mood when you left the living room." He shrugged.

"Oh, and you came up here to upset me even more, right?" I guessed.

"No, actually. I came up to see what was wrong." He said.

"Only so you could make fun of me for it." I mumbled, "And it's none of your business."

"Is it because Joe's leaving today?" Connor asked. I shrugged and avoided eye contact, indicating that he was right, "So it is because of Joe?"

"Maybe, but before you start having a go and calling me a wuss for being upset, you don't know what I'm going through. You live with your brother, you get to see him every single day, whereas I only get to see mine about once a month at best." I ranted.

"Actually, I wasn't going to make fun of you. I get that it must be hard not being able to see Joe whenever you want, but you've still got Zoe, haven't you? And you and Alfie seem to have a brother and sister type bond. Plus, it's not like you're never going to see Joe ever again, is it?" Connor completely surprised me by saying all that.

"I guess.... Thanks." I gave him a small smile.

"It's okay. I'll leave you to get dressed now, yeah?" He said.

"Um, yeah." I nodded, as he left my room. Connor just comforted me and I actually felt a little bit better. Weird.

After dwelling on the last couple minutes for a short while, I eventually got up off my bed and went into my bathroom. I turned the shower on and let the water heat up while I got undressed before stepping in. I sighed as the relaxing water hit my body. After looking through my array of shower products, I decided to reach for my cherry blossom shampoo and after I'd used that, I reached for the matching conditioner. I washed my body with my blackcurrant shower gel before I made sure I'd washed and rinsed everything properly and climbed out of the shower. I gave myself a quick dry with my pastel blue towel before wrapping it around myself and wrapping my small, yellow towel around my head. I then went back through my room and into my wardrobe to find something to wear. I chose a cream coloured jumper with little pompoms all over, a rouge pink skirt and a pair of tights. I clipped in a pair of crystal Minnie Mouse earrings with little rose gold bows, fastened a gold bracelet around my right wrist which had a small gold acorn charm, a slightly bigger silver acorn charm and a big pink acorn charm in the middle on it, and I clasped a black velvet choker with a silver tree pendant around my neck. I then went over to my vanity and put my hair in two French braids. I was styling my hair in French braids a lot lately, I guess you could say it was my favourite hairstyle. I also applied some makeup to my face, including my Smashbox Always On Matte Liquid Lipstick in the shade 'Babe Alert'. Lastly, I picked out my phone case, which happened to be one with a peachy gold Mandala pattern on. And, of course, I slipped my glasses on at some point during my routine.

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