Chapter 22

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*Lilia's P.O.V*

It was now Saturday and I wouldn't be seeing Callum all weekend, as he'd gone to visit family in Wales. We wouldn't even be able to talk online as he got barely any signal where he was staying. I felt terrible for saying it, but it would be nice to have a Callum-free weekend. Although, I could never be totally free from him. I still had his voice in the back of my mind, reminding me of what he told me before he left;

"Don't eat too much while I'm gone, I don't need to come home to a fat girlfriend. Well, a fatter girlfriend."

It did hurt when he said those things, but I had no choice but to listen to him. Plus, I mean, he was really only helping me, right? Making sure I always look my best and don't put on too much weight so people won't stop liking me. That's how he puts it, anyway.

Anyways, I was woken up on Saturday morning to my phone ringing. I got nervous, thinking it was Callum, but relaxed when I saw it was only Elsie.

"Hey." I answered groggily.

"Hey, sorry, did I wake you?" She asked on the other end of the line.

"Yeah, but it's fine, I should be getting up now anyway. What's up?"

"I just called to let you know I can't come over today."

"What?! Why?!" I cried. Elsie was supposed to be coming over today for a little girls' day and I'd been looking forward to it all week. We haven't been able to spend a lot of quality time together lately and I wanted to change that.

"I'm kind of grounded." She replied sheepishly.

"What did you do?" I groaned.

"I might've stolen my parents' credit card to buy a pair of shoes online..."

"Really, Els?" Despite my annoyance, I couldn't help but chuckle at my wild best friend.

"Yes, they were really cute! Anyway, now I'm not allowed to leave the house and my phone's been taken away from me. My parents are only letting me use it now so I could tell you I can't come over. I'm really sorry, Lils."

"It's alright, it's not like you meant to get our weekend cancelled."

"So, you don't hate me?"

"You're my bestie, Els. How could I possibly hate you?!"

"You're right, I am pretty awesome." She said and I could hear the smirk in her voice which made me laugh.

"Yeah, whatever. Shouldn't you be going now before your parents hunt you down?"

"Yeah, good point. I'll see you on Monday, yeah?"

"Sure, bye, love you."

"Love you." She said before hanging up. I put my phone down and flopped back down onto my pillow, letting out a long sigh. Elsie and I were also supposed to be filming a Truth or Dare video for my channel today but now it looks like I'll have to think of a new video.

After lying in bed and sulking for a good five minutes, I eventually got up and dragged myself into my bathroom. I had a quick shower, using my apple cinnamon shampoo and conditioner on my hair, and my hazelnut bodywash. Once I was done in the shower, I hopped out, wrapped my pink towel around myself after drying my body and went back into my bedroom. I opened my wardrobe and after flicking through my clothes for a few minutes, I finally settled on a simple grey tank top underneath a pink jumper that had a cute little bow on the bottom left, a pair of denim skinny jeans with a cute little kitty embellished on the side of the right leg and my blue and purple Lilo & Stitch socks. I didn't plan on going out today so I didn't bother with shoes. I put my hair in two french braids and picked out my jewelry; a black velvet yin yang choker, a pink wraparound bracelet with a gold buckle and adorable pink cat earrings, before moving onto my makeup. After applying my Smashbox Always On Matte Liquid Lipstick in the shade Stepping Out as the last step of my makeup routine, I picked up my blue phone case which looked like makeup items in a jean pocket and added it to my phone, before deciding I was finally ready.

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