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"If you will not hold your tounge I will gladly remove it for you!"

"Alright. Come take it."

Looking back, Winter realized that she had made a mistake.
Perfect people don't make mistakes.
Schnees don't make mistakes.
Her hold on her personal life was usually fort knox, any good hunter knew business didn't mix well with pleasure. But Qrow Branwen's complete disregard for authority was maddening.
He spoke ill of her, of Atlas, of Ironwood.
He spoke ill of things his narrow mind would never understand.
He also got her kicked out of the room, Ironwood's dissmissal a bigger punishment than anything else she could receive from her little altercation in Beacon's courtyard.
She couldn't fathom why the General put him above her, time in, time out. A stubborn drunkard that insulted him directly to his face. Versus her, a model soilder. A.I. couldn't behave better than she.
She scowled at her pouty, warped reflection in the closed elevator doors. The only thing more insulting than Qrow forcing her out and degrading her position was his cliché teen-heartthrob wink as she was booted into the elevator. With captivating eyes like his, blood-red and cunning and dangerous.
Those eyes were manipulative. They could bend the strongest will, evidently, even Ironwood.
They made her want to strangle him. In this world, you can't just bat your eyelashes and get your way. Winter worked hard to get where she was, and she wouldn't let some scruffy old man destroy everything she'd built for herself. She opened and closed her fists at her sides. No one ever made her feel so angry. Which only made her even angrier. The mere thought of him that lasted longer than a few seconds had her enraged enough to summon. Winter took one last look at her reflection and screamed.


   Qrow felt that, overall, he'd had a satisfying day.
Putting Winter in her place, twice, and then watching Ozpin side with him against Ironwood, almost made up for the irritation of dealing with those idiots in the first place.  Although, he did enjoy the fight. The crater in front of Beacon symbolized just the sort of welcome Winter Schnee deserved. He'd forgotten certain things about her, and felt a little dizzy as it all came flooding back. But then again, that could be the alcohol. He hadn't remembered her quite so angry. Or quite as skilled in battle. Or quite as intense.
   But it's not as if her stare bothered him, he was never bothered by much. Especially not by her specific, icy blue brand of hatred. He'd gotten quickly adjusted to that look. He was very familiar with all things Winter Schnee. Well, almost all things. He stopped himself from wondering what she would look like with her hair down.
   Even he had standards. He pulled his gaze out of his drink just in time to see the specialist furiously making her way towards him.
   Winter knew she was making a bad decision, but everything about Qrow was a bad decision. Fighting with him was a bad decision. Arguing with him in front of Ironwood was a bad decision. Confronting him in a fit of rage would be her new bad decision.
   "I don't know where you get off humiliating me in front of Ironwood, but I worked hard for my position and I've earned his trust, and I won't let you sit idly by drunk off your ass and degrade me or my efforts.  You are not my boss. You do not dismiss me. Am I clear?" She rushed, irritation growing when she realized she didn't feel any better. She was so frustrated, she could just, she could just-
   " Hate to break it to you but I already did, Schnee. And believe it or not I don't care enough about you or Ironwood to try to ruin your precious career, or bond of trust, or whatever it is you gained from sleeping with Jimmy." He scoffed, brushing her off.
   The lack of attention alone made her angry, not to mention the accusation he'd made against her.
   " I do not. Sleep. With Ironwood. " she hissed.
He felt that the emphasis on "Ironwood" was unnecessary, but didn't put thought into why he felt that way. He laughed away her anger.
   "Who do you sleep with Schnee?" He asked, piercing her with his gaze. Her reaction would be worth the fight they'd get in later.
   "I - I," she stammered, floored, and red hot as Qrow's gaze felt on her skin, "T-that is an unprofessional question."
   He laughed again. "I'll take that as 'no one'. Can't say I'm surprised." Her anger came back tenfold, and  they got kicked out of the bar before they could leave another crater.

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