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"Leaving so soon? I always knew Jimmy was quick but I figured he'd still keep you around for a repeat performance." Qrow mocked, his words glistening with a sharp edge. She clenched her hands into fists at her side and turned to face him.
   "I don't know how many times I have to say it. I'm not sleeping with Ironwood. I'm not sure why you're so obsessed with the concept, but if I was sleeping with anyone, it sure wouldn't be him. I worked for my position because I'm good at my job. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm needed elsewhere." She rambled, feigning calm.
" You aren't 'needed elsewhere'. You're just going to leave because you're too fragile to stay and fight, and you're not important enough for Jimmy to tell you about the fall maiden." He stated it very matter-of-factly, as if he didn't expect Winter to argue.
   She closed her eyes and counted down from 5, but she could feel his smirk and it wasn't helping.
"I followed General Ironwood's orders. I saw my sister Weiss. There's no other reason for me to stay." She articulated carefully.  She really didn't want to fight him again.
   "Then I'll give you a reason. I'm bored out of my mind here. Ozpin and Ironwood are bickering like schoolgirls, and Glynda definitely doesn't like me."
"Where are you going with this?" She interrupted, trying to clearly define the situation.
   "Come get a drink with me." He said it simply, as if it wasn't a strange thing to ask her. She stared at him suspiciously but he didn't waver.
"Why?" She couldn't help but ask, although she recognized that the question would just annoy him.
"I'm pretty sure I just explained this. Look, I'm not exactly thrilled about your company either, but I figured it would still be better than both of us sitting around doing nothing. We don't have to fight all the time. " he raised his eyebrows questioningly at her silence. Eventually she met his gaze and spoke.
"What's in it for me?" Her voice was steady and cautious, as if she was trying to determine how much she could get away with.
He sighed heavily. " Try not to be so damn petulant, Schnee. If you really need incentive to stand my company I'm better off alone, aren't I?"
Winter flinched slightly at the insulted edge to his tone. " Fine. Forget I asked. I suppose I'll have to get all my information from Ironwood then. If he deems me important enough. " she hesitated for a moment before adding, " although if I'm going to have to pry information out of him I could stand to have a drink first. Assuming the offer still stands?"
He sighed again, but couldn't completely mask his smirk. " You're so difficult. But since I think you just insulted Jimmy, it just wouldn't be right to take it back now. Come on, I wanna see how many more insults I can get you to make that aren't directed at me."
   "He is so uptight, you have no idea. Everyone thinks I worship him, sometimes more than that," she paused to shoot Qrow a look, " but he gets on my last nerve. Almost as much as you." At this the huntsman put his hand over his heart, feigning hurt.
   "Ouch Schnee, your words wound me." The mock - seriousness of his tone was completely undermined by the smirk on his face.
   "Oh yeah, suuureee." She laughed, leaning towards him, " I'm positive you're so deeply offended."
   "You don't know," he teased, trying to maintain his game, " Maybe I'm secretly very upset by your apparent unwavering hatred for me. Maybe I don't like fighting with you virtually every time we meet. Maybe I only pretend to hate you so you won't catch on because I know you'll always hate me. Maybe I actually really like you. You don't know anything." He smirked again at her perplexed expression.
   " You- you-" she stuttered, too drunk to process this new information.
   He chuckled and leaned in closer to her. "Or. Maybe. I made all that up to see that cute little confused expression on your face, because it means I just outsmarted you and won the argument."
   "Hey!" She shouted, punching him on the arm. "No fair!"
   "All's fair in love and war, Winter." He declared, blocking another hit.
   "No fair." She insisted quietly, cradling her drink. "No fair."

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