White Country Christmas

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I finally was kicked out of my thoughts when I heard a ladies laugh mercifully, and loving. I looked up, and I saw a gorgeous lady who doesn't look a day over thirty, her skin is tan, I figured she'd be wearing a cowboy hat, but she's not. She actually looks fashionably together, a salmon v-neck shirt, light blue jeans that has wear and tear marks that she beautifully tied together with gladiators, I suppose she is the maid. 

When Joe and the lady got closer she forcefully embraced me in a hug "Oh Rosella, it's so beautiful to meet you." wait this is May? My tension fell slightly, she appeared to be a very nice.

"I assume you're May..?" I ask worry in my voice standing out. I wanted to fight he urge to run away to the woods and cry, however of course the closest woods is probably as far as the closest town.  I didn't feel alone anymore, nonetheless I still don't want to be here. The state will just take me away again.

"Yes I am, my husbands name is Boe. I'll introduce you two in a bit. For now let's get you settled and set up. Your room will overlook the backyard and stables, in the morning when the rooster crows...it's a beautiful sight." May's blue eyes sparkled in the sun. She's about 5 feet and a half, beautiful tanned skin, the color every beach goer wants. She has wrinkles from age embracing her eyes, brown shoulder length wavy hair. She probably was a heartbreaker as a child. Being too breathtaking to not notice.

"Would you like to see the house? Matt, Hank, and Luke will bring your stuff in, and if you need more stuff just let us all know." I didn't answer her question because it was all just a bit too much, so I shook my head yes, reached in the car and grabbed out my purse. I don't have much, because I like expensive clothes, Most of my stuff fits in two totes.

The house was big and white, just like you see in the country movies. I never imagined myself living in a barn like mansion. The house door was big and brown, but surprisingly light to open, upon entering the house I gasped in amazement. I get to live here for a bit, and it's beautiful. The entryway coming into the house was open, I could see the living room, the dining room and the barn like doorway to the kitchen the walls in the foyer were white patterned brick. It had a great color brown hardwood flooring, and dark brown trim it really brought the country estate together. On the side between the kitchen entrance, and the living room there were beautifully carved wooden steps leading upstairs.

Mostly everything was brown, rock brick or white and I loved it. It really worked well with the cowhide rug in the foyer, and the beautiful chandelier. There was white cabinets that looked as if they were build onto the side of the walls surrounding the foyer, I guess that's where you put your winter gear, and your shoes.

I felt like I was in a white Christmas. I was really indulging in their color schemes, the grey couches, and the light blue accents hanging by the fire place. There were pictures of their families, and friends hanging parallel to the fireplace. The carpet really made the room pop being such a bright and dark blue. I loved their living room, above the fireplace hung a tv. What a cozy place to be when the weather gets really cold and crappy out? I could enjoy it here, even just by staying in this room, there was plenty of sunshine I probably would get tan just by sitting here.

"Over here is the bathroom, and next to it the Mud room. When it is raining bring down a spare pair of clothes because you will not leave that room with mud or a mess on you anywhere." May continued as a mater of factly.

"I love it." I whispered, eyeing up Joe trying to tell her I could be here until the state took me away.

"I knew you would, May sure would like some girls around here." Joe laughed "Would you like May to show you your room?" Joe put her soft small hand on my shoulder, I didn't want to seem too excited after all the state will take me away.

"I think so." I sighed uneasy, becoming cold was something that I do best in these types of situations. Joe and May started walking towards the steps motioning me up.

"Rose, I do have to tell you, it is not pink. But we can surely paint it." May laughed, I giggled too- its always been my dream to be loved and to have a pink room.

"Maybe." I laughed again, smiling following the ladies upstairs. Maybe I'll be able to stay here.

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