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as we layed in the dark room with Justin's hand around me i just thought about how glad i was to move! just sat up and said u want to talk i said sure! With a tiny grin😏 he took my hand and looked into my eyes i looked into his beautiful green eyes and he said 'I THINK IM IN LOVE WITH YOU' i blinked thinking is this for real then before i could speak he smashed his lips to mine and pushed me slowly down on the bed and kissed my neck and i kissed his! we kissed for a while and then he rolled over he smiled at me! Then ding! my phone went off its my mom! Hey Justin u haft to go home:( she said oh with a sad face and then he said can i walk u home of course! i said it was chilly he offered me his jacket and put his arms around me! We got up to my door step he said can i get one last kiss of course i said! he kissed me then he put a piece of paper in my hand and left!

Is this real? (A JUSTIN DREW BLAKE FF)Where stories live. Discover now