The fall

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Sorry i haven't updated in so long!


Anyway enjoy lovelies.


"James, I'm done but there is no way I'm going down stairs on my own!" I shouted to James through the walls. He ran into my room and shout whispered at me again!

"Shhhhh sapphire, brad can probably hear you, you know."

"Alright, alright. are you ready ?" I asked.

"Um yeah, almost give me about ten seconds" he said then ran out my room and then returned literally ten seconds later!

"What did you do?" I questioned him.

"Um nothing, just turned the light off" he nervously replied.

"Are you sure?" I asked confused slightly,

"Yes! sapphire I am sure" he snapped back. god ok it was just a question! don't kill me! I then got my phone and followed James downstairs to see brad just standing there In a deep thought. it was slightly creepy.

"Brad?" James asked nervously.

"Oh. what? sorry" he snapped out of his thoughts.

"We've done?" I said. it came out more of a question which was really weird.

"I don't know, have you" he snapped back. oh I am sorry, did I upset you or something!?

"It wasn't supposed to come out as a question" I said quietly.

"Rightttt" James said trying to stop the tension between me and brad. Thank god for James!

"Do you want to practise a cover or something?" brad asked james

"Um yeah sure but what will sapphire do?" James asked. oh good they didn't forget me.

"She can watch if she wants?" brad asked sweetly. whats with the mood change. is it his time of the month or something?

"Sapphire?" James asked turning to me

"Yeah?" I asked confused again.

"Do you?" James said as if I'm supposed to know what he's talking about.

"Um right. uhhh yeah sure"

"Right come on then" brad said slightly pushing me and James into his basement, other wise known as the small room that brad goes to, to practise.

"Stop pushing!" I snapped

"Sorry" he then suddenly let go and fell back slightly. I must of been relying on brad to push me to balance myself. making James and brad giggle slightly.

"Oh my god that was too funny" brad said pointing at me, making me blush with embarrassment.

"It wasn't" I said with my head down.

"Come here" brad said making me confused once again.

"What?" I asked.

"Get on my back so you don't fall again, because its that far that you may fall again" brad said sarcastically. NO WAY. I'm not going on brads back, ill squish him.

"No way! Ill squish you. look I can walk." I said walking really fast trying to show that I can actually walk without falling over. oh but no. nothing goes right for me. so instead of walking with my eyes in front of me so I can look where I'm going. I was looking backwards and didn't see the massive step that goes down to the basement making me fall down all the steps until we got to the basement. and I landed on my neck which bloody hurt! I couldn't help but burst out crying. it was so embarrassing. no one will ever understand how embarrassing crying in front of two boys and your 17. not good. I don't recommend it.

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