The gun confusion

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Ohhhh meeee goddd I haven't updated in ages sozzz!

I have an an excuse though. my mum has been really Ill these last few days but tonight things kinda like exploded. one second she was fine and giving me chocolate and the next she has nearly fainted on her bed and can't breath, the ambulance came and everything but it's all good. all smooooth. So I am going to update.






"BRAD" I concluded. What on all earth and heaven is he doing here. he lives about two hours away. he only got off the phone with me about an hour ago and and and did he get here so quick.

And why has he got a gun?

"B-br-rad" I stuttered.

"Hi" he replied bluntly. this is going to be awkward.

"W-what are you doing here" I shivered.

"I just came to see James"

That explains why he was staring at his house.

Well duh why else would he be down here.


"Um well, you kn- well you know I um." I paused.

"Um I gotta go" I rushed out before grabbing my bag and tried to rush out of view.

Because of my amazing running skills, brad Soon caught up with me and grabbed my arm so I couldn't move.

Well this side of brad is....frightening.

"Brad let go of me!" I snapped.

"I just want to know why you are out so late?" I could only just about see him but I could tell he was giving me the puppy eyes.

"None of your business ok!" I replied.

"So you just decided to go on a walk at two o'clock in the morning?" he raised his eyebrow.

Pft, please I don't do excise.

"Me? do exercise!" I laughed.

He didn't quite find it as funny as I did.

"Where are you going?" He asked again, more serious this time.

"I could ask the same. why do you have a gun?" Brad looked down at his hands and soon realised he was holding a gun. it's like he didn't even know he was holding it.

"What? this?" he pointed to his gun and started laughing.

Not the normal laugh.

Like the 'I'm gonna kill you' laugh. I slowly backed away.




"Where are you going?" brad raised an eyebrow.

"Um, no where. like I said before. no where at all!" I tried to reassure him.

"And where is that?"

god I swear, people are so nosy these days.

Think saph, think.

"I'm going to my statue?" I explained more as a question though

Really? that was all I could think of. I need to think of some new excuses don't I?

"Statue?" brad asked, curiously.

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