Chapter Four

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I checked myself in the mirror one last time before coming out of the suite's bathroom. I was as ready as I would ever be. This was it. Today was my first audition. I could feel fate pulling at me, urging me forward.

I couldn't let destiny sit and wait, so I quickly grabbed my purse; heading down to the lobby of my hotel. My driver was waiting for me as usual. I read him the address, checking the text from Mom again. Her hairdresser had mentioned that the daughter of one of her clients had a big audition today out here in LaLa Land. My mother had insisted I check it out.

I did as I was told, and it was a good thing, too. I would have regretted missing this one. It was an open cattle call for "the girl next door" in the new Zand Taylor Romantic Comedy. I was created for that part. Maxie Duncan, Girl Next Door. That described me perfectly. I sat back and relaxed. This was going to be the greatest (and easiest) day of my life.

My limo pulled up into the parking lot of the hotel hosting the auditions. The Hotel DenMark. I had never heard of it before, but as I eyed the place, I realized I should have. It was even bigger than the place I was staying. And trust me, that was saying a lot. Eat your heart out, Paris.

I got out of the car, staring up at the darkly romantic structure in front of me and made a mental note. If it was as beautiful on the inside as it was outside, I was switching hotels.

I walked in with my head held high, my six-inch heels announcing my arrival.

The desk clerk looked up at me and smiled. "Let me guess, you're here for the cattle call, right?"

I nodded. She had recognized me for what I was. A future star.

"It's in the ballroom. Just turn left and go to the end of the hall," she said, pointing to a corridor off to the side.

"Thank you," I said, flashing my patented smile and headed where her finger indicated. As I walked along the plush carpet, taking in the gilded walls, I couldn't help wondering how old this place was. You couldn't get this kind of glamor these days. Not even with all the money in the world. Trust me, I know.

Hurrying along the hall, I came to a stop in front of huge golden doors. Cherubs stared down at me from each one, their wings unfurled in a state of flight. They seemed to look at me with such intensity, I ducked my head to avoid their gaze. It was almost as if they were judging me. I hoped I passed their test because my future lay behind those ever-staring sentinels.

Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly. This was what I came here to do. And nothing was going to stop me. With my head held high and a huge smile plastered across my face, I pushed the doors open, making an entrance no one would ever forget.

Unfortunately, no one noticed. The thousands of girls seated around the large ballroom were too busy dealing with their own impending stardom. I couldn't believe how many there were, and worse yet, they all looked like me. Tall, blonde, and beautiful. How was I ever going to stand out in this crowd?

Moving farther into the room, I sized up my competition. This was going to be tough. I would just have to dazzle them with who I was. I would have to be Maxie to the nth power. That's all there was to it.

"Excuse me, miss?" a voice called from behind me. "You need to sign in before you can take a seat."

I turned around. Two women sat behind a table, staring at me. "You need to check in, dear," the older one told me, tapping a clipboard.

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