Date Night

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Rufus' hands were shaking as he opened his car door for Jiya. She stepped out and gave him a warm smile. The two walked up to the restaurant and noticed all the people crowded at the entrance.

"Rufus, maybe we should just go to a different-," Jiya started but was cut off when Rufus dragged her inside.

"Reservation for Rufus Carlin," he said grinning at Jiya as the waitress guided them to a booth. Jiya smiled and chuckled as the waitress took their drink orders.

They exchanged playful banter as they waited for their drinks to come. After 10 minutes a waiter stumbled up to their table tripping on a women's bad that was on the floor next to them. He ended up spilling the drinks all over Rufus and Jiya. The women also erupted in rage claiming the waiter damaged her bag.

As the women and the waiter argued, Rufus apologized multiple times to Jiya. Jiya rose her hand cutting off his apologizes, "How about we go do something else."

Rufus sighed with relief that she wasn't mad. They both stood and exited the restaurant that exploded with yelling as soon as they left. Rufus chuckled as he opened the door for her once again.

Rufus somehow knew exactly where to take Jiya for their redo date. It took 25 minutes before he was pulling into the parking lot of Mason Industries.

"Rufus? This is work," Jiya gave him a confused look as they walked into the building.

"I know. I'm sure I don't have to explain what is here right," he chuckled as he guided her to the wardrobe dock. After going up and down isles he found the rack for England in the 1890s. He handed Jiya a beautiful baby blue dress and a hat that had white and blue feathers. Rufus grabbed a simple black suit for himself and went to change.

Rufus waited outside of the time machine for Jiya. When she arrived, he noticed she was shaking the slightest.

"Hey, it's okay I'll walk you through it," Rufus said grabbing her hand and helping her into the time machine. She sat down in Lucy's regular seat and he sat in Wyatt's strapping her in, just as Wyatt did for Lucy.

"Alright, now just hold on," he said smiling at her leaning in to kiss her cheek. She allowed it and in one swift move it was over and he was in the pilot seat. Jiya could still feel his soft lips on her cheek as he started the time machine.


Rufus landed them in a deserted warehouse in the middle of Paris. He turned around to face Jiya and saw the dizzy look he once wore on the first mission. He opened the hatch and unbuckled Jiya, helping her out of the machine when she was ready.

The two of them walked the streets of Paris taking in all of the sights. They ended up at the Eiffel Tower when they finished site seeing.

"Oh Rufus this was lovely," Jiya gleamed as they looked at the tower. Rufus smiled, ecstatic that he finally had a great date with her. He remembered how awkward their first date was and was glad this didn't turn out as awkward.

"Thanks for letting me take you on a second date," he said after silence. Rufus looked at her smiling and leaned down and kissed her. They stood in that position until they needed to come up for air.

Jiya smiled once they broke away, "Ready to head back now?" Rufus nodded, grabbing her hand and taking her back to the Lifeboat.

Tell me what you thought in the comments and don't forget I take requests.

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