Lets Take Flight

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     "Flynn has taken the Mothership to December 17, 1903," Agent Christopher said hurriedly as Lucy finally entered the room, "What is the significance?"

    Lucy closed her eyes, "That was the day that, uh, the Wright Brothers had their longest flight, 59 seconds-"

     Wyatt chuckled a little, causing Lucy to shake her head. She hid her smiled and continued, "The Wright Brothers had finally created the first powered plane."

    "So Flynn might be trying to stop the Wright Brothers from completing it," Rufus asked shaking his head at the thought. Lucy nodded and the trio were ushered down to the wardrobe dock.


      Lucy was the last of the three to board the Lifeboat. She swung her long purple skirt into the machine, hitting Wyatt as she huffed. He shook it off and leaned over to help her buckle in. His blue eyes poured into hers and they were lost in each other's gaze before he clicked the belts together.

     The ride to 1903 lasted only mere seconds, before they touched ground. Lucy was the first out, then Wyatt, and finally Rufus.

     "Okay so the Wright Brothers were flying over North Carolina's beach all day. They made four flights and the last one ended up being their longest, covering 853 feet in 59 seconds," Lucy said as the trio walked through the sand. It took them thirty minutes until a wooden shack was visible. Few people were on the beach as the Wright Brothers took off.

     "Flynn must be one of those men," Rufus said as they neared closer, trying not to be noticed. Lucy and Wyatt nodded as they walked down the sand dune. They came closer and Lucy was awe struck as the Wright plane landed. She knew it wasn't their final flight because it lasted for a short amount of time.

     "There he is," Wyatt said pointing to the wooden shacks. Flynn's black hair disappeared around the side and the trio went after. Lucy glanced at the Wright Brothers who were talking with other men and noticed they were coming their way.

     "Guys," Lucy mumbled out, not loud enough though because they were still peering around the corner.

      "'Ello, can we help you gentleman and lady," Orville Wright said as he and his brother, Wilbur Wright, walked closer. Wyatt swiftly turned around to face them, as did Rufus.

      "Yes," Wyatt blurted out, "We are looking for a man." He pulled out the photo of Flynn and handed it to the two brothers. They took it cautiously and examined it. Lucy never tore her eyes away from them as they handed it back to Wyatt.

         "That man has been observing out flights with those other gentlemen," Wilbur stated gesturing politely to the group of men near the Kitty Hawk.

        Rufus nodded, "Thank you. Would you mind if we observed as well." The Wright Brothers exchanged a look, as if they were talking mentally.

       Orville sighed and nodded before disappearing inside the shack. Wilbur turned and walked back to the plane. The trio scurried after him keeping an eye out for Flynn.

      Wyatt grabbed Lucy's elbow and pulled her to his side, "What do you think Flynn is trying to do." His whisper tone sent a shiver down her back.

     "Kill them or sabotage the Wright Flyer," she said quietly keeping her eyes on Wilbur. Wyatt nodded along and they continued walking. Lucy smiled to herself when she realized Wyatt never let go of her.

      "The Wright Flyer, here," Wilbur patted the side of the plane, "Will take flight when my brother Orville comes back to make adjustments." Lucy gawked at the plane, over joyed that it would fly right before her eyes. Orville's came bounding back and was closely followed by Flynn and a couple men. Wyatt took his hand away from Lucy and adjusted it over his gun.

     "Orville," Wilbur said putting a step stool near the plane, "Make your adjustments and we will start are next trial." Flynn grinned at the plane before his gaze landed on the three. He winked and patted the plane like Wilbur did moments before. Wyatt mumbled something under his breath and pushed Lucy behind him the slightest bit. Rufus snuck around to the other side of the plane and had a hand on his gun as well.

     The trio were so concentrated on Flynn they didn't realize Orville was finished and ready to take flight. "Let's take flight," he cried and started the engine. Flynn dashed to the end of the plane and hopped aboard one of the wings. Wyatt acted fast and climbed aboard too and Orville took off. Lucy panicked when he started that she hopped aboard as well.

     Flynn pulled out his gun and shot Orville before turning his attention to Wyatt. He shot a few bullet, which Wyatt expertly dodged.

     "The plane," Lucy shouted to Wyatt, "We can't let it crash and break!" Wyatt nodded and began to move up but Orville's body shifted to the left causing the direction to shift. Flynn fell off the plane and Wyatt was hanging on.

     "Hang on," Lucy shouted and she inched her way to Orville.

     "That's what I'm doing," Wyatt muttered as he tried to pull himself back into the wing. The Wright Flyer was off balance and with every moment Wyatt made the plane jerked that direction. Lucy finally made it to the steering mechanism and jerked it to the right, trying to balance the plane. The plane balanced for only a second before it began to descend head first. Lucy squeaked and yanked the steering mechanism back, causing the engines to wine as they gained altitude.

      "You still there," Lucy shouted to the left wing. She heard Wyatt grunt, which she took as a yes. Lucy began to gently ease the steering mechanism forward and brought them down to the sandy ground. She sighed in relief before jumping down from the plane.

     "Who taught you how to fly," Wyatt breathed as he let go of the bar that was holding up the second set of wings. She giggled and smirked at him.

     "Your welcome," she giggled as she looked him over. His hair was blown back and his clothes were ripped in some places.

     "Thank you," he chuckled and he grabbed her hand and kissing her on the cheek. She held back a startled gasp and he smiled at her.

      "But seriously, how did you know how to fly this thing," Wyatt asked dumbfounded. She smirked at him, "It's a historian secret." He shook his head and laughed a little.

      "Alright," he breathed caressing her hand. He was still in shock that Lucy was able to act so fast and save him, but he kept that hidden. She just keeps surprising me, he thought, a small smile played on his lips.

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