Chapter 1

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I never asked for power. It was handed to me. I tried so desperately to lead a normal life,but it seems that fate had other plans~Dark Star

Superpowers. The ability to do things that,just,shouldn't be humanly possible. Some people can clear buildings in a single leap,some can fly,others can move things with their minds...there's no limit to the amazing things we can do.

Not all people have superpowers though,naturally,or else it wouldn't exactly be super if everyone could do it. There are three ways to get powers as far as I know. To be born with them,gain them as a result of some particular event or to be imbued with them through experimentation.

The latter is the least likely way,however the world powers are always cooking up new weapons to rattle their spears and bang their shields as an ode to their might so I wouldn't put it past them.

Before we go any further,you're probably wondering who I am. My name is Reece Hamilton,I'm 16 years old,caramel toned and as most of you would probably guess,I have superpowers. And for those of you who also assume that I'm a superhero,hate to burst your bubble but I'm not. Running around,playing cops and robbers in tight spandex just isn't my scene.

Besides,it's not like there was any express need for me to become a hero. There were 50 in Hyperion City alone and my city wasn't even one of the major hero hubs. As to what my superpower is,I'm super strong. It got really awkward when I used to throw tantrums and when I stomped the entire block would shake so naturally I found an off switch meaning my powers were only ever active if I wanted them to be.

As far as I'm know I was born with my powers, that's the only real explanation I have for their development. The first time they ever appeared was when I was ten and I was being teased by the resident school bullies. I had a REALLY serious anger issue then so I was prone to lashing out. One day I guess they just pushed me past my breaking point and I snapped. I lashed out at the nearest thing to me which happened to be a desk and I split it completely in half. Not something your average ten year old does with one punch. Needless to say my bullies ran like they'd just seen the boogie man. Do you really blame 'em?

From then on I tried my best to control my anger and my emotions in general to prevent more incidents like that one.

I didn't really have anywhere to test the full capacity of my powers but I did what I could. As far as I know I can bench the weight of two buses,run at mach 1 and can survive a fall from a 10 story building without a scratch. Not too bad if I say so myself.

Currently I was on my way home from school. Unfortunately I wasn't as blessed as some kids to have a car so I had to make the trip on foot. Thankfully my neighbourhood wasn't that far from Hyperion High,the school I went to.

It seemed like your regular day until I felt a tremor that caused me to stagger. I would've thought it was an earthquake if it wasn't for the huge individual who was currently in the process of tossing a pickup truck at a short guy in black spandex. Great...I had just walked in on a super fight. The Bison was a B class supervillain with super strength and invulnerability from the news reports I could remember. As a herald of pain and destruction, he made headlines quite often. He wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed but he was powerful and that made most heroes wary of him. He didn't bother hiding his identity unlike some villains,his only concern was wreaking havoc and he did that quite well if I may say so myself.

He laughed,a coarse,grating sound which inspired more displeasure than it did joy,as one of the many projectiles he through finally made contact with his target,Orion. Orion was a C class hero who was capable of generating and firing concussion beams. He wasn't as powerful as Argent but he usually got the job done. This was not one of those times. (I followed up on the supers,their abilities and there rankings. You'd be surprised how useful that kind of info is)

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