Chapter 2

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Having powers doesn't make you a hero. It makes you a weapon. However weapons can be used to enforce the law,and God help any criminal who tries to break my city's laws~Mr. Impossible

Luckily I was able to avoid everyone I knew by staying to the back alleys. I had raised a few eyebrows from the usual riffraff that hung around in those areas but none of them made any attempt to approach me.

Thankfully my mother had a late shift so I was able to go in and get a change of clothes without any awkward questions. You're probably wondering how I got in seeing as I left my key in my bag,well my mom and I live in an apartment building. Our apartment is on the third floor,so all I had to do is jump to the third floor and then work my way around to the side our apartment was on. Then I forced the window open. Trust me...I make it sound simpler than it is.

I walked into school the next day with a sore shoulder and back. Due to my superhuman body I was somewhat resistant to impact but even I was bound to feel the effects of being thrown through a wall and tackled by one of the strongest guys in the city.

I had hoped that I'd be able to put the entire incident behind me and forget that it happened,however the entire school population had other ideas. As soon as I stepped through the gates of Hyperion City High,the first thing I heard was a group of freshman talking about the fight.

"Bro that was absolutely dope! The way he leapt into the air and then when he tossed Bison! Oh man. I wish I'd been there,",one of them said.

Another one scoffed. "Oh please,Bison would've owned him if the Avenger hadn't stepped in. That new super probably realized how much of a mistake he'd made challenging Bison and that's why he ran off,",he retorted. Someone seems to be a fan of supervillains. In any case,the Avenger showing up would explain the flash of black I saw yesterday when I was half naked.

I made my way into the school,doing my best to ignore any comments or discussions on my fight with Bison. I got to my locker and opened it,grabbing my AP World History textbook and my AP Biology book. When I closed my locker,my friend Toni-Ann was there,leaning against the locker next to mine.

"Hey stranger,",I said smiling and kissing her cheek. Toni-Ann was 5'7 with a voluptuous figure. Essentially she had curves in all the right places. She had a caramel skin tone with emerald green eyes and wavy brown hair. And no,she isn't my girlfriend.

My relationship with Toni you say ...complicated. I liked her and she knew I liked her. We fooled around sometimes(okay a lot) but every time I thought we could take it further and actually be a couple,she said that's not what she was looking for.
"Hey Reece,",she said,tipping to hug me. I slipped my hand around waist and pressed her body against mine. She smiled and looked up at me.

"Are you really that excited to see me Reece?,",she cooed slyly.

I grinned sheepishly. "More than you know Toni,",I said,releasing her.

"It's been a while since we've hung out together Reece,how about this evening?",she said, playing in her hair.

I wanted to,really,I did but I had plans. "Sorry but I have somewhere to be tonight,",I said. Sigh. Things have been really hectic lately and unfortunately they don't seem to be getting better any time soon.

"Oh,",she replied,pouting. "Another time then,",she said. She waved goodbye and left. Dammit. Life just loves throwing me the curve ball.

Sitting through two classes before lunch didn't exactly help to lift my state of dejection. I mean,AP World History wasn't that bad. I actually enjoyed history immensely, the real pain came during Bio.

Now,I have friends who are science nerds and I myself am in fact a stickler for all things scientific however it doesn't matter how much you enjoy science,sitting through an entire session of Mr. Bailey droning on about the human anatomy would make anyone want to rip their eyes out with a pen.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2016 ⏰

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