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**Adele's Million Years Ago**

"What the hell was that about? We are taken into the police station and what do you do, YOU threaten a COP. I'm so mad that if you open that dirty mouth of yours I might have to shove my foot up your ass to shut it up," I yell at him angrily. The asshole looks amused at my outburst. I look at him with all the anger that my face could express and storm off into a direction that doesn't even look safe enough to walk in during day time.

As I make my walk a little faster upping my pace, a hand grabs me and pulls me to a warm chest. I look up and see Tony smiling, actually smiling, flashing his pearly whites.

He pulls me into his arms caging me between his arms.

"Just admit it. You love the adrenaline running through your system when I pulled that stunt," Tony whispers as he brings his head closer to my face, his lips kiss my temple reaching my lips. I pull away and give him the dirtiest look I can master.

"That stunt you pulled wasn't fun and I didn't feel any adrenaline running through my system. Why don't you let me live my own life and suffer like a normal human being in a pile of debts?" I ask him feeling exhausted as ever. He gives me a worried look, oh God like he cares.

I shake my head in disbelieve, I pull my arms out of his grasp and leave him. As I walk away from him I know that he's following me. It makes me feel a lot better knowing that at least I won't get jumped in this neighborhood.

California was always my home. I was born and raised in California. I'm what you call a Cali girl, but now everything about the state I love is slowly destroying me inside and out. I need to move. Away from this state, Hayden, Anna, my mother, Amy, and most importantly Tony.

The boy changed everything in my life. Life was so simple before meeting this jerk. My heart is way too heavy for my chest. The pain is unreal. I feel numb. A man I trusted, a man I loved, ruined me. Destroyed me.

I reach my street and look behind and see Tony's figure leaning against a tree arms folded. I shake my head. I walk and enter my house.

I close the door and get Adele's album and start to listen to her "Million Years Ago". I grab a shot glass and vodka. The song starts to play and my tears spill from my eyes. Drowning myself in my sorrow. Tears start to fall as if a water fall. My heart aches but the pain doesn't go away.

I want this to end. I want my mother to be my mom. I want to have the man I love by my side. I want to feel loved once in my life.

I open my door and walk outside. Leaning against the door frame.

God am I ever going to feel normal again. I hear someone walking by I wipe away my tears and put on a weak fake smile on, that I have mastered in the year past.

"Please don't cry. Pretty girls don't cry. Your tears are far too valuable for unworthy people. Don't waste your time on them," Tony whispers. Wiping my tears away. I look at him weirdly. Pulling my face from his hands. This man was bipolar.

"You are one of the reasons for my tears. You threaten me and hit me. You ruin my life and now you are here comforting me. What are you playing at? I'm not one of your Italian whores that you can play with. Just leave me alone. I can manage on my own. I don't need your help to 'survive' or get through this time. Stay the hell away from me you bipolar asshole," I snapped at him and closed my door with a loud sound.

I turn on my phone and see three missed calls with a voicemail from the same number.

"Good afternoon Ms.Keen. I'm Marc Roberts representing Chase Bank. I have been trying to reach you for the past few days. I'm sorry to inform you but we will have to close down your diner by next week. Your debt is way to high and our President needs it by today the latest.  I'm sorry Ms. Keen, but all the utensils appliances and furniture will be taken also. Have a nice day. Thank you for your time."

Tears stream down my face. On top of everything this had to happen. I look around my small house. Nothing. I don't feel any kind of attraction towards my home. Noting that will make me change my decision. I'm moving.

I get my large suitcases and fill them up with clothes and anything I need. Within two hours I had packed everything. I took a quick refreshing shower. Checking online to make sure I had enough money to purchase a one way ticket to Chicago. I grab my suitcases and call a cab. Taking a long look at my home I smile. I can start over. I can try again.

I look at my cellphone and dial my fathers number and wait until he can answer. But sadly I'm meant with his voicemail.

I look at my phone and turn it off. As I look around the streets of the place that I called home for twenty three years. I smile thinking of all the memories and dreams that this one city held.

I need this. It's the only thing that can help me. I need a fresh start. I need a new beginning. I need a new me.  The driver drops me off at the airport and offers to help me but I refuse. I stand in line and wait for hours to get my ticket and get my luggage checked in the mean time I turn on my phone. No calls, no missed messages. Wow isn't my life just interesting.

Looking left and right people entering and leaving LAX have some sort of emotion detached on their faces, but I looked at the screen of my phone all I saw was a blank expression. Nothing. No smile. No frown. No feelings. Dark eyes filled with hatred and betrayal. Pale face filled with sorrow and a weak spirit yearning for happiness.

I slowly walked on to the airplane. Sitting besides a old woman with gray hair. I inhale a large breath. I need this. I need to get away. I can't take being here for another second. My heart can't take. Chicago here I come. Please accept me with open arms.

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Pellickle 💜

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