I certainly can't wait to write a biography until I'm famous so I'm gonna start one now! Enjoy :)
While On This Journey:
Normally, it wouldn't happen to someone like me. Normally.
But this is far from normal.
Normally, it would happen to a person who is selfish. A person who doesn't care.
But I do care.
I was a happy girl. I had everything I could ever dream of. Ever. My parents were happily married. There was no tension whatsoever. I had a fantastic little sister that would climb the highest mountain for me and me for her. I had the greatest best friend that I told all my secrets to. I was home-schooled and I spent all my days with my mom and my sister.
I remember waking up in the morning and looking over to see the family cat, Pity (he was named "Pity" after we had him for quite sometime because he was just so pitiful) and I'd give him a friendly pat on the head before heading out of my room and into the living room where I would often see my mom sitting on the couch drinking coffee and reading her Bible.
"Good morning, ladybug," She'd say, using my nick-name she gave me at the age of two because of my red hair.
"Good mornin'," I'd tell her.
I would then sit down with her and then my sister would wake up and we'd watch TV while Mom made breakfast. We'd eat and then start school which always began by reading our Bible verse and praying. Then we would begin our daily work.
Morning break couldn't come soon enough. My sister and I would run to our play-room to get out our giant tub of Barbies and we'd play for the half an hour then it was back to school.
I didn't mind school. We didn't have school on Mondays and Mom always made it fun. She'd print out calendars on the computer and me and my sister would decorate them. At seven and nine, this was the funnest thing ever. We would hang the calendars above our desk and that was how we learned to tell the month and day! We'd have coloring sheets to do, Mom would give us riddles to figure out, she would do everything in her power to make the day the best.
After school, me and my sister, Emily, would go off to play some more until Dad got off of work.
My parents owned their own construction business and we made a six-figure salary. My dad hired several men to work with him out in the hot sun or sometimes, in the cold air. He'd always come home and take a nap. That's when Mom would start dinner which was usually fried chicken with mashed potatoes or something of the sort. She was the best cook!
We'd all eat and talk and laugh and when we were all done eating, Emily would be the last at the table because she ate so slowly. We all teased her about it in good fun.
After dinner we'd watch TV together or we would play games sometimes or me and Emily would go back to playing with our Barbies. Then it was bed-time. We'd do baths and showers then Mom and Dad would come tuck me and Emily in. We'd fall asleep and re-live the perfect day all over again. I never went to bed sad or unhappy.
Fast forward about five years.
I'm currently sitting in my grandma's foyer typing this story. The bedroom I share with my sister is to my right. It is filled with junk with room for one bed and a palet on the floor which me and my sister rotate sleeping on. My parents are currently at work at a restaurant downtown. They have to work until ten o'clock tonight on minimum wage. They sleep out in the living room on the couch and on a cot.
We have one pick-up truck as a vehicle that we can't even use because there's no insurance on it so we have to use my grandma's car which she really doesn't like.
A week from Monday we are moving into a one room apartment/house that is on top of what looks like a barn. It has one bathroom and one small closet. There will be a small stove and an apartment sized refrigerator put in soon but until now, it's dirty and the place is dark.
Now, you're probably wondering how does someone go from a six-figure salary to what I just described? Well, I'm gonna tell you. And I'm going to tell you the truth. It's time people start to hear my story.
What I am about to say is not a lie. What I am about to say really happened. I am not going to tell you this because I want you to feel sorry for me, I am going to tell you this because God has instructed me to do so. This journey I've been on was hard and I went on it so I could teach others...
And so the teaching begins...