Not Just A Summer's Job // Justin Bieber Story

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"It’s summer, Kee! You should really try and be like me,” my best friend, Zoe, exclaimed, as she smirked slightly, before continuing. “And get a summer job.”

“Have you gone completely mad?” 


“Why would I get a summer job? I thought summer was here for us all to have a rest?”

“Perhaps – but think about it. You can earn your own money, with which you can do anything you want.


She sat down next to me, on the bed and smiled.

“You can get a fun job, you know.” She tried to sound persuading.

“What’s the big deal with getting a job this summer, anyway?”

She sighed, before answering. “Well, I have my job. And I don’t want to know I’m working when you’re sitting alone.”

“Zoe! That’s really nice of you, but-“ she cut me off.

“No butts!”

I sighed, as she continued to stare at me.


“Fine!” I gave in. 

“Yay!” She squealed with joy, as she tossed a newspaper at me. “Check these out,” she pointed to a list of some advertisements. “Lots of jobs for this summer that you might like.”

I scanned down the list, not really paying attention. Zoe sighed heavily once again.

“Okay, look at them later, I don’t care, whenever. Just please, give it a try, Kee!” she jumped off my bed, and walked towards the bedroom door.

“You going?”

She nodded and gave me a little wave. “See you tomorrow. And make up your mind!”

I smirked and waved back, as she exited my room.

I placed the newspaper on the bedside table and skipped downstairs. My mom was sitting on the living room sofa, watching some show on the television.

“Hey honey. Zoe left?”

“Yep,” I nodded, and sat down next to her.

She picked up the remote and switched to MTV, my favourite music channel. The song playing was a long-not-heard song – Baby.

“Damn!” I exclaimed, my eyes glued to the TV screen. “I haven’t heard this song in – what- two years?”

“It came out around then, right?”

I shrugged, staring at the TV. Who was the singer?

“And that was baby, by Justin Bieber!” The woman in the music show shouted at the top of her lungs.

“Who?” my mom asked herself.

I searched my mind for the answer – but it was blank. I couldn’t think of anything, yet I was sure I have heard of this singer before. Then it hit me.

16-year-old singing sensation two years ago. What happened to him – no-one knows.

“Oh, him!”

My mom gave me a questioning look, and I explained.

“Oh, that guy! I wonder what happened to his singing career. He looked young in that video.” I nodded, agreeing.

“By the way, mom. Zoe got a summer job, and she gave me a newspaper, saying I should get one too. What do you think?”

“It’s a good idea, hun!”

“You think so? So should I try and find one?”

My mom smiled and nodded.


We both turned back to the TV and watched pop music videos for the rest of the long evening.

“I’m going upstairs,” I informed her after some time. She nodded before I climbed up the stairs to my bedroom. I glanced at the newspaper, and picked it up, opening it at the ‘summer jobs’ page. 

I read the list in my head, my eyes stopping on a job occasionally.

“Sweet shop worker? Seems legit…” I smiled at the thought of working in a sweet shop, but continued reading anyway. “Library lady? I don’t think so.” I looked down at the list, sighing heavily. “Babysitter on weekends, maths tutor for a 11-year-old..”

I sighed, nearly giving up. Then I saw the advert that caught my eye.

“Teenager needs help and a friend for every day. Contact at"

No more information was given, just that one sentence. I raised my eyebrows – but it looked like a nice offer. I pulled out my laptop quickly, and loaded up hotmail. I started my e-mail.



Subject: Summer Job Offer.

Hello, my name is Keanne Fields – I saw the offer in the local newspaper, and I am interested. Could I possibly receive more information on this job? Thank you.”

I added my phone number at the end, and sent it. Switching off the laptop, I grabbed my pyjamas, and walked into the bathroom for a long, relaxing bath.


So, new story! My second one. I hope you enjoy this - I think it should come out quite good and enjoyable to read. So, enjoy, and tell me what you think!


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