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taehyung's POV:

the next day we got ready to go see the house. we took a cab and showed the driver the address. hobi hyung was so excited he couldn't stop screaming the entire ride..6 years and he's still the same . its surprising the driver didn't kick us out earlier... 

we reached in front of a big villa, there was a pretty front porch and there was a dog kennel. SHE HAS A DOG WOOHOO! a cute golden retriever came out and started barking.

i went near the dog and hushed it and read its collar, 'Max' . thats a cute name. i was too busy playing with max that i didnt notice that the guys already got inside and were checking out the house.

i quickly got up and went inside. it was a nice spacious house. i saw everyone scattered all over the place and checking the living room out. 

"so this is the living room, if u want i can show you the bedrooms now", a voice came out from behind us. i turned around and saw where the voice came from. a woman presumably in her 20's.

she had long dark brown wavy hair and big brown eyes. she was not tall or short, she had on a black blazer over a light pink top and some dress pants. 

wait a minute..................................................

ITS HER!!!!!!!! ITS THE GIRL FROM THAT NIGHT! unknowingly my hand reached for my right pocket to check if the bracelet was still there. thats when i realized, i had been staring. she looked at me questioningly. 

"yes please, how many rooms are there?" namjoon hyung asked. she shifted her gaze from mine and looked at him while walking towards the other end of the hall. 

"4 rooms, 3 rooms are open for rent, one room down and 2 rooms up, this is one of the rooms that are available" she said as she got into the room and the rest of us followed. i kinda understood what she said but i had namjoon hyung translate it for me :/ it was a pretty spacious room and well decorated. it had an attached bathroom.

she then took us up the stairs and showed us the other two rooms. one of the rooms was HUGE! while the other was big enough for two people to sleep in. 

we all loved the house. it was perfect and more than what we wanted. and it was cheap too.... so we all went down and talked it over and decided to stay here. it was kind of a remote area too, away from the public which was good for us.

we turned to the woman and she was looking at us waiting for an answer. " we'll take it ", jimin said. her face beamed and she grinned. " that's wonderful! so when are you guys planning to move in? oh im so sorry, i haven't introduced myself to all of you. my name is Nikki, im 23 years old. " she said in fluent korean!

we all introduced ourselves. "are you korean??", jungkook asked dumbfounded.

she giggled and said " no no, im an indian, my profession requires me to know certain languages because i have meetings with people from other countries sometimes." ahhhhh no wonder... she didnt look swedish or korean.

" oh, what do you do? " jimin asked. " im the marketing manager at globex corp." she replied

marketing manager?! how boring! how is she surviving??? "you live alone here?" i asked. i wondered because its such a huge house for just one person.

"yes actually, this villa is my company accommodation and usually people who work there all have families but i'm really young and don't have one. so i didn't know what to do with all this space so i thought i'd have some paying guests, like that even the house can be able to breathe if u know what i mean" she smiled.

we decided to move in tomorrow itself and went back to the hotel to pack up. i lied down on my bed and i couldn't sleep. why was i feeling so anxious. it's so weird how we ended up going to her house. 

i reached for the bracelet on my side table. ohhh the 'N' does stand for her name - "Nikki" cute name. wonder what the rest of the charms signify. i finally forced myself to sleep

the next morning we took our things to the house and we were fighting over who gets which room. we decided to settle it like men. KAI.BAI.BO

Nikki laughed her heart out as she watched us go all in. well, after nerve racking game it was decided.

namjoon hyung, hoseok hyung got the room downstairs.

jiminie, yoongi hyung and jungkookie got the big room upstairs. 

jin hyung and i shared the other room upstairs. 

we all went to our rooms and unpacked everything while Nikki went to the kitchen to make some lunch. "i'm gonna go help Nikki with lunch" jin hyung said as he left the room.

i wish i knew how to cook......wait what? what am i saying?! i hate cooking.

i went downstairs and saw namjoon hyung and yoongi hyung watching some t.v. jungkook, jimin and jin hyung were in the kitchen with Nikki. after what felt like an eternity they came out with the food. whatever it was it smelled great! 

we all sat at the dining table and looked at the food in front of us. fried rice and chicken. i dont know what she put in there but oh my god! i was blown outta my mind! heaven was in my mouth. i gobbled up everything in a jiffy.

"slow down taehyung-ah you're gonna choke!" joked yoongi hyung. Nikki giggled and passed me more rice. i thanked her and continued eating. 

"it's been so long since we got such nice home-made food, thanks Nikki!" cried hobi hyung.

jin hyung was shooting darts with his eyes at hobi hyung. "oh come on hyung, u put too much sesame oil in everything" hobi hyung retaliated. 

"well that's cuz sesame oil makes everything better!" jin hyung said and everyone chuckled.

after lunch we were all doing our own thing and just chilling. half of us on our phones and Nikki was doing a presentation, which jimin was watching her do. he was so interested in ppt all of a sudden. weird.

the hours just went by and we had dinner. we had ordered some pizza. 

"goodnight guys... i'm going to bed early. i have work tomorrow." Nikki said as she walked up the stairs, and all of us wished her goodnight.

"she's really nice. i think we'll end up being good friends with her" jungkook said. "yea! she's so friendly... and she cooks great." hobi hyung said and chuckled.

" yea none of u better go falling in love with her" yoongi hyung said. " but V hyung, how come you're so silent? normally you're all up in everyone's face. dont you like Nikki?" jungkook said.

" ani ani, she's nice. i guess im just not feeling well today" i nervously chuckled.

we all went to bed after that but i couldn't help but keep thinking about what jungkook said...

why am i so shy and reserved in front of her?

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