Stuck in my head!

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When I awoke, I wandered around the room, wondering what the heck that dream was about. It was so odd, and irrelevent to anything that was going on in my life, but i couldn't get it out of my head. The farm, the baby, the birds, Sohinki and Lasercorn - all of them were just stuck! I couldn't stop thinking about it! I sat down and contemplated what to do next. There had to be some significance in it, otherwise why would I still have been thinking about it? I reached in the bag that Anthony had packed for me and found my laptop. When I opened it up, I went on to settings and then wifi. Obviously I didn't have Sohinki's wifi password, so I was stuck.

But, I didn't give up. I opened the door slowly and looked at the clock that was in the hallway. 7 o clock. Sohinki wouldn't be up that early. I carefully crept downstairs, keeping to the sides of the steps and avoiding the creaky spots in the wooden flooring. I located the wifi box easily, it was on the shelf by the door, which was probably the first place I looked. I wrote the password onto my hand and snook my way back up the stairs. When I reached my laptop, I typed in the code and gained access to the internet. 

I typed into the search bar "dream dictionary". I came up with alot of suggestions, but I just clicked on the top one. I moved my mouse toward the search bar, and tried to remember what happened first. The farm! I typed "farm", and it said:

"To see or live on a farm in your dream suggests that you need to develop an aspect of yourself - you are ready for growth." Then it was the smiling baby! It said,

"If you find a baby smiling at you in a dream, it means that you have experianced true joy." Cool, I guess. Then Anthony started going on about cheesecake, so I typed "cheesecake":

"Cheesecake in your dream indicates that things are going great for you." I just got in a car crash, but okay. Then I thought back to the bit of my dream with Sohinki and Lasercorn. I can't remember much of their conversation, but there was a bit where Lasercorn was teasing Sohinki about having a crush on me or something. My cheeks started to flood with red at the thought of that ever happening. I typed in "crush",

"To dream that you have a crush on someone is a reflection of your attracton and fascination for that person... if you find yourself dreaming of them frequently or of them liking you back - it is probably an idication that you should tell them how  you feel." So,  I need to develop an aspct of myself, I have experianced true joy, things are going great for me, Sohinki has a crush on me and I need to tell him how I feel. But, I don't have feelings for Sohinki - do I?

Hello, that was what all the research was last time. It makes me laugh that I waste time that could be spent doing homework or studying, researching dreams for characters in a fictional story. Oh well, who cares about school anyway! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will be back on Wednesday! Thx for reading! :-)

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