Sing for me!

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Les algèbres me donnent la migraine. Je voudrais l'aider mais c'est trop compliquer...

-Laisse moi réfléchir...(1-2√2)²...Marmonnais-je en lisant son cahier.
-Si tu n'y arrive pas tu peux chanter pour moi! Dit-elle en me souriant.
-C'est la chose que tu m'as dis hier soir!
-Ah! Alors c'était ça ? Disais-je en passant ma main sur mon front, remontant ma frange.
-Ben oui! Tu ne t'en souviens pas? Dit-elle en me fixant.
-Pas spécialement ! M'exclamais-je en ricanant
-Oh bof, c'est pas grave! Vas-y chante! S'écriait-elle en prenant place à mes côtés.

Les cahiers ouvert, laissant les pages flotter en l'air . Les rideaux virevoltants, nos cheveux au vent. Ma tête baissé, probablement rouge. Le silence régna un moment. Mais ce dernier fût coupé par le touché de nos mains qui me fit frémir. Nos doigts s'entrelaçaient...

-Can You please do it for me?!
/peux-tu s'il te plaît le faire pour moi?!/ Demandait-elle en me regardant

Je soupira un instant, je me levais devant elle...

This is a song from Adventure time performed by Marceline the Vampire Queen...

I'm gonna bury you in the ground
I'm gonna bury you with my sound.
I'm gonna drink the red from your pretty pink face.
Sorry I don't treat you like a goddess. Is that what you want me to do?
Sorry I don't treat you like you're perfect. Like all your little loyal subjects do.
Sorry I'm not made of sugar. Am I not sweet enough for you? Is that why you always avoid me. That must be such an inconvenience to you.
Well, I'm just your problem, I'm just your problem. It's like I'm not even a person am I? I'm just your problem.
Well, I-I-I shouldn't have to justify what I do. I-I-I shouldn't have to proove anything to you. I'm sorry that I exist I forget what you landed me on your blacklist.
But I-I-I shouldn't have to be the one that makes up with you.
So,why do I want to? Why do I want to?
Even when I'm just your problem. I know, I'm just your problem, yeah.
Oh,oh, I'm just your- I'm just your...I'm just- I'm just your problem.
I'm just your problem, I'm just your problem. It's like I'm noy even a person am I? I'm just your problem. So,why do I want to? Why do I want to...Make up with you? It's all so pointless. Because, I'm just your problem...

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