Princess Draco POV

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"Aww, crap. I shouldn't have followed you!" I yell pushing Pansy on the floor. She whimpers in pain as her body comes in contact with the floor. "Lianelle wait!" I yell after her, running. She whips around. "What?! What do you want you foul excuse of a boyfriend?! Well, we're done. I don't need you." She turns on her heel,(again), and sashayed out. She is hot when she does that. Vianelle, Laney, Daphne, Astoria, Lila, and Layla follow her. She does need me. Well, I need her. I miss her kisses. She is already the Slytherin princess without me. Seeing that she's the oldest of the Slytherin triplets. I love her more than Pansy. Than anything.

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