Ferret Face

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'Draco is a liar, a jerk, and a no good cheater.' I thought as I put my makeup on for my date with Millicents brother, Wesley in Hogsmeade in the Three Broomsticks. 'Where Draco will be with Pansy.' I thought as I put my jet black hair in a neat French braid along my back. I slip on my gold slip on shoes that match with my silver skin tight skirt and emerald green blouse. I grab my purse. I put my emerald green dragonfly necklace on and my gold earrings and bracelet. I walk down the stairs, my red lips smiling. Wesley waits for me. "Lianelle, where are you going?" I hear Pansy ask. I turn around. "To Hogsmeade with my date. Why? Did Draco want to know?" I ask. Before she could say anything, I walk off, leaving her with Draco by her, saying, "Cmon, Wesley. Let's go, sweetheart." "Coonass." She says. I just smile.

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