3 months later...

43 1 1

I've finally been promoted! 

Director Fury asked me to work with Doctor Selvig on the Tesseract programme. If we actually figure out how to harness it's power, then the earth will have a new source of sustainable energy.

It was late one night and I was looking at the tesseract's readings, nothing had changed sadly. But then while everyone was getting on witht their work the computers started beeping, the readings were off the charts!

"Doctor Selvig have you seen these readings?" I asked.

"Yes! Isn't it amazing we're on our way to a real breakthrough." He said fiddling with the computer.

Just then Fury came in with Agent Coulson. They muttered something to eachother and Barton came down from the cieling. They walked past me to my computer set. "How is it?" Fury asked.

"It's wierd we're getting some-" I was cut off by the Tesseract making a puslating sound which was very unnnerving. I looked over to it and it looked like it was practially throbbing with a blue light. Suddenly it collapsed in on itsself  and expanded, temporarily blinding everyone in the room.      

When I'd finally regained my eyesight I checked the computer and the readings for the Tesseract were dangerously unstable. I went to go tell Fury; he wasn't even looking at me, he was looking at the hunched over figure in front of the Tesseract. I recongnised what the figure was wearing.

I mean how could I not.

It was Loki.

I wanted to run over there and see if he was okay. But i couldn't. That'd raise suspision amongst the other agents. He slowly stood up and looked around the room. I was hidden behind the computers so he couldn't see me. He looked so pale, sickly even; like he'd not had a drink for over two months. He looked at the golden septre he was holing and smirked.

He pointed it at one of the agents and shot them. They went flying across the room. My mind didn't even register what had happened until he stopped in front of Barton.

"You have heart," he said putting the tip of the septre to Barton's chest. It was like he was put in some kind of trance as he didn't even try to fight back.

"Who are you?" Fury asked 

"I am Loki. Of Asgard, and I am burdoned with glorious purpose."

"Loki? Brother of Thor." Selvig added which wasn't smart as it put Loki's attention on to him.

"We have no quarrle with your people." Fury said trying to keep the atmosphere calm.

"An ant has no quarrel with a boot." Loki retorted and suddenly was in front of Selvig and the same thing that'd happened to Barton happened to him.

I felt my blood boiling with rage. I stood up form the computer desk. "Loki what the fuck are you doing?' he turned around at my words, a look of astonishment on his face.

'Lucia?' He asked and i just shook my head in disgust. Another agent stupidly amde another move towards Loki so he fired his septre at him. But before the blue beam of light could hit him I stood in front of him and took the full force of the blow. I was thrust through the air and slammed against the wall hitting my head on impact. I fell to the floor, i tried to open my eyes but the pain made it too hard to. 

'Don't you go near her!' Fury fumed. 

'Very well. But I will return for what is mine.' Loki replied I heard a gunshot and footsteps retreating. 

'Grey?' Fury said shaking me profusley till i sat up. Barely giving me time to recover he dragged me out of the room after Loki. Well that's what i thought anyway. Instead i was being dragged towards the heliport. 

'W-what are we doing?! We need to get Loki!' I yelled. But before i could fight to go in the other direction I passed out dragging Fury down with me. 

I woke up in a hospital bed not knowing where the heck I was. I put my hand to my head. It still hurt like a bitch. Had all that happened last night...? I slowly propped myself up in my bed and noticed Tasha sitting on the chair across from my bed.

'You feeling well enough to come meet everyone?'  she asked.

'Umm i guess so help me up would ya.' She helped me out of bed and left the room so i get changed back into my clothes. My lab coat was hung neatly on a hanger and I slipped it on. It hadn't been cleaned since the fight so there was still flecks of blood on the sleeves. I sighed and almost fell flat on my face. 

'Tash why the fuck are we on this flying deathtrap.' I groaned rubbing my head. 

'So Loki can't find us.' she said curtly walking towards the lift. 

'Who exactly are we meeting?' I asked to break the tension in the lift. 

'You'll see.' She replied making everything even more awkard. 

When we finally got to central control Fury and Coulson were standing by the computers while two men sat at the table.

'Ah Grey have a seat.' Fury said and i complied. 'Loki has the tesseract and therefore is the biggest threat on the planet at this point in time. Hence why S.H.E.I.L.D's assemebled you all. Agent M meet Captain Steve Rodgers and Dr. Bruce Banner.'

I nodded at them as a greeting but Steve broke the silence by asking 'What does M stand for?'

'Mutant.' I replied and jsut to stop any other questions i morphed into him and teleported behind him, which caused mumers of awe to sweep across the room as usual.

'We have a match sir. He's in Stuttgart, it's like hes not even trying to hide.'

'Romanoff I want you to take the jet and get him back here alive but by whatever means nessecary. Grey, do you think you can elighten me on what Loki meant by he will return for what's his?' Fury said.

I sighed,' oh yeah...that. well the day you thawed out him,' i pointed to Steve, ' I kinda got teleported to Asgard and Loki kinda sorta... In his words okay...fallen in love with me...' I trailed off in a whipser.

Natasha just rolled her eyes like she was used to me fucking everything up. 'What were you thinking?!'

'What? He wasn't evil back then anyway he looked after me after i had a bit of a freak out. But I didnt say I was in love with him did I? God dear sister of mine you really should learn to listen. Anyway think of this as a good thing, he wouldn't hurt me so i can be the secret weapon or something.' I explained.

'Fine. Let's just get this over with.' She said swiftly leaving the room.


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