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Tomorrow we are starting Interhigh eliminations and I'm sure we're going to lose.

I walked with Yachi thinking about the two new members, that were from our classroom. Our class is considered the nerd one, books, study, good grades.
I had good grades but I think some are useless but I just learned them.

I sat in my place and Yachi in front.

"Waaaah!! I wanna go home!!" Yachi chuckled and the two new members came to our side.

"H-hello! I'm Hiraga Kaito" a boy, shorter than me, with curly dark brown hair and tan skin spoke first.

'He doesn't look Japanese... '

"A-and I -I'm Namikawa Sora" a girl, almost the same height as Yachi, with brown-green eyes, pale skin and long brown hair, said.

Yachi jumped a bit and bowed with her head.
I don't like socializing.

"How...may help you? "

"Um... We are new in the club, but, well, we don't know anything about it, yet"

" want me to help you?" The bell rang, and both of them nodded.

"W-well, today we don't have practice so, yeah I can help you"

They nodded happily and went to their sits.

'Nooooo!! I wanted to be with Tsukishima! wait...WHAT?!'

I sighed and Michimiya-san came to our classroom.

"Excuse me, teacher, the ceremony for the clubs will start in half an hour"
The teacher nodded and she waved to me.

"Alright, blazer for girls and boys with jacket, please"

We went out of the classroom and I saw Tsukishima walking in front of us.
I ran to his side but he turned before I could do anything, and he smirked.

"Well, hello, Queen" I walked to his side.

"Hello, pole" he had his face with an irritation face. I chuckled.

Tsukishima P. O. V

Her chuckle made my heartbeat go faster.
I don't want to admit it but her passion for volleyball made me feel... Sick, but in a good way.

She is like Hinata, hot-blooded but that's what makes me feel attracted to this girl.
'I think, I like you...? '

We walked to the gym for the ceremony, she waved to me and went with her team.
I walked with Yamaguchi and with the others.

"Tsukki, you okay? You have been spacing out for a while"

"It's nothing"

"Don't tell me... You have a crush!"
I tried to hush Yamaguchi but more than two of the team heard him.


"Tsukishima has a crush on someone!?"

"No way!!

"Who is-"

"Female Volleyball club, please come to the stage" the girls were in line and I could see (y/n) besides the others.

Her beautiful (h/l) (h/c) was perfectly tide up in a half ponytail. (If you have short then think it like that, with or without the red ribbon) with her pretty ribbon.

'She's so cute... '

Her captain gave the speech, bowed and left, it was our turn.

(Y/n) P. O. V

The boys went up to the stage, I waved at Hinata but he only smiled.
Daichi-san was giving the speech but I couldn't take off my eyes from Tsukishima.

His handsome, pissed and bore face, somehow made me feel butterflies in my stomach.

'He is good... An incredible player, he only needs the passion for it.
Maybe that's why I fell in love with him.
I want to be the one who will turn on that. Or maybe is his attitude, or his actually smart ass attitude, or the analysis he always makes during matches, or his everything '

They bowed and left the stage, while the principal was speaking I went to Tsukishima's side and start joking about each other.

~In your head and in Tsukki's head~

'I just fell in love with you...

My birthday!!

Queen of the court (Tsukishima X Reader) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now