chapter 2

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 The dark unforgiving street below Destiny flew by as she lunged accross the gap between one building to the next. No thoughts, no worries, just running. The feeling of pure addrenaline coarsing through every vein in her body kept her going with nothing to stop her.

She looked at her surroundings with little more than disgust, even thought it was her home. While she grew up on the roof tops all her life, there were things she began to notice at her younger ages. The changes in the city were noticed more and more by her and her family and not so much to the general populace. The crime levels went lower and lower untill one day, they were no-existant. Familys stayed more comfortable together in their own warm homes while they watched non-violent shows on their television.

Her eyes began to water as she slid down an inclined roof. She could just make out one of her fellow runners, Mark.

"You have gotten better at being on time for your jobs!" Mark exclaimed.

"Dont be a smart ass," Destiny replyed, "its not like you havnt been late on your deliverys! You are a good runner but  you need to work on being more light footed. Your deaf grandma could hear you if she wanted.

"Is there any chance that smile could be wiped off your face untill we have completed our run? Mark asked with no real conviction.

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