Chapter 6 The Party

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Mirajane POV

Next day

I arrived at the guildhall and unlocked the door. I peeked inside and noted that our visitors were already gone. I sigh. I was hoping that I would have more time to figure out the identities of their parents.


Silver POV

Present day

We made it back to our time and a few moments later our parents ran into the room.

“You guys are not to use any spells!” My mom says.

I smirk. What they don't realize is that we already did.

“But we already did.” Anna says. Fe handed the spell over to her mom.

Mirajane looked at the spell over Levy's shoulder and smiled. “I remember that day.”

The goodbye party made its way to the guild where everyone was invited and could join in.

A loud crashing sound echoed. Everyone looked over to the guild doors where the sound came from. Everyone looked over and saw a figure in the doorway.

“Looks like I made it in time for some kind of party.” Natsu said.

The End

I am just going to thank everyone who has read my stories. Thanks! I have only gotten these chapters out so fast as I had them all pre-written before and I just posted the new chapters when I thought about it.

Thanks for reading. I welcome constructive criticism. If you liked it please don't forget to vote.

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