Chapter 3

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When Monday came around, Abby was writhing about missing that party. Apparently, a load of older guys from sixth form turned up, with a load of really strong spirits, and everyone got so drunk that they all just started falling asleep on the sofas. No one went home, and when Dan's parents came home the next morning from their trip to London, they shouted at Dan in front of everyone, because obviously they hadn't been expecting a party, more of the classic 'small revision group'. Needless to say, Dan was grounded for a year, and, still drunk from the previous night, he swore at them a lot, and threw a lot of stuff around. About ten different people had filmed it; only ten people had any charge left on their phone. All the videos were online, and Abby wished she had been there to see it.

Abby was so annoyed to have missed it, the videos she had seen on Facebook, in amongst the feed of pictures of people wearing even less than they were when they got to the party, were hilarious.

When she got onto the bus, she saw Leyanne and all her new Christian friends sitting there. Leyanne seemed so much happier than she did before. At the start of the year, she would always look miserable or angry when Abby got to the bus, now she was always laughing and smiling. She seemed even happier now she had been baptised than she had been before. Abby put her bag on the window seat right at the front of the bus, and sat next to it, taking up the whole double seat. As the bus revved, or rather spluttered back into movement, Abby felt every jolt and bump, being above the wheel. Normally she got really travel sick, and she would throw up if she sat over the wheel, but today, she was too angry, upset and confused to feel it. A few stops later, she felt someone standing over her shoulder. Thinking it was someone from the stop wanting a seat she ignored them for a while, but when they didn't go so turned around.

"I'm not moving, go find somewhe-" she started, but stopped when she realised it was Leyanne.

"Will you move over for me?" She smiled. Abby gave her a small fake smile.

"Sure." she said, moving her bag onto the floor, and sliding into its place.

"So how was your weekend?" Leyanne asked cheerfully,

"All right, I'm bummed I missed the party on Friday though."

"Yeah I heard about that, sounds like it was terrible!"

"Terrible? Seriously?" Abby raised an eyebrow at her friend.

"Yeah! So many drunk people around would NOT be fun. Just scary. And I bet loads of people were high as well." Leyanne responded, sounding disgusted at the life that she used to lead.

"You have changed so much Leyanne." Abby marvelled, "I mean, a year ago, that was you! Going out every weekend, meeting random guys, snogging in a corner, and then not remembering what they looked like, but you didn't care 'cause you were so drunk!"

"That's not me anymore though, Abby. Now I'm so much happier, I feel so fulfilled now!"

Leyanne grinned, looking up at the grubby bus roof.

"But why? Why are you always so happy now?" Abby asked, curious about what had changed her friend. And it couldn't be all that God stuff, because no one would be happy with that many rules to follow, and constantly worrying about whether you were good enough.

"Because I have something to be happy about!" Leyanne half laughed, "With God in my life, I can be happy all the time!" Abby voiced her previous thoughts, not understanding her friend, who had never liked rules

"I'm not constantly worrying! I mean, I can never be good enough for Jesus, but-"

"Wait, what?"

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