chapter 60: "are you going to be ok freddy"

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Summer's POV

Something is definitely going on between Tomika and Zack, but what, I then look in the direction of Tomika, to see her flirting with Zack

Summer: guys look

me, Freddy, Lawrence and Mr Finn look in the direction of Zack and Tomika to find them flirting, just like they were the last time I looked but Tomika looks different

Summer: Freddy, Tomika

Freddy: T

Tomika then collapses and Freddy calls an ambulance.

Lawrence: what's wrong with  her

Summer: wait what's this

Freddy: what do you have their

Summer: a letter from a record label, it fell out of her bag

Zack: why would she have this

Freddy: oh my god

Summer: what

Freddy: she's been offered a solo record deal

Summer, Zack, Lawrence and Mr Finn: WHAT

Freddy: look

Summer: oh

Zack: my

Lawrence: god

Mr Finn: why wouldn't she tell us

Freddy: I don't know but it's not good

Summer: what do you mean it's not good Freddy

Freddy: she's been putting pressure on her lung for who knows how long

Zack's POV

Tomika has just collapsed, I'm really worried about her. the ambulance has arrived and Freddy has gone with her to the hospital

Zack: guys come on lets go the hospital

Summer: jeez Zack you seem really worried about her

Zack: aren't you

Summer: well yeah

Lawrence: guys stop, lets just go

Summer and Zack: yeah ok


Freddy: doc how is she

Doctor Martin: not good Freddy

Freddy: what do you mean

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