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This particular poem is dedicated to A very awesome friend of mine

She's super hilarious and easy to talk too

I would DEFINATLEY recommend fanning her

This is for you!! xD



Cool, Awesome, Sweet,and Nice

Aren't enough words to desrcibe you

Gladly your heart isn't made of ice

And i'm glad I got to know you to

A forever friend on Wattpad, is what you are to me

Everyday we talk and laugh

Because your hilarious you see

I'm so glad we're friends and I consider you a sister

That way we'll be awesome friends forever and ever 



I hope you liked it!

I know it was kinda cheesy but hey i'm no professional

I tried my best ;)

Tell me what you think guys I lloooovveee opinions

To AsSimpleAsThat:

I hope you liked it lolz sorry for it being so dumb and cheesy but I tried. Please tell me what you think I would really appreciate it. Thanks for being so awesome!! xD

Poems Dedicated To Awesome PeopleWhere stories live. Discover now