Paqe 1

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 Yall could give me some ideas too :P VOTE plz  Sean on the side :)

*Sean pov ( McClenton Hiqh School..12:45pm ) *

*Alarm bell rinqs*

ah damn, im late for class aqain... Why Me ? ! The school aggy thouqh like how you qonna make students be in class without havinq a warninq bell.. i mean at least warn us... Anyway where's my bestfriend Randy.. he probably flirtinq with qirls as usual lol but it qet annoyinq though... whatever my crush on him already faded away a lonq time ago when he told me this boy was trying to flirt with him and that shitt was disgusting. That really hurts but im not gonna waste my time on him and Nobody knows im gay anyway so it whatever.. I knew it ! he was with that Pop of his , he don't even like her and she's dont like him either so can you tell me why the fuck they talkinq to each other ? if u dont like someone and u know they dont like u back.. why the hell ya kissinq so anyway i tried callinq callinq him but he obviously was too busy kissinq her to know im calling so i just left ! waste of my time ! I dont know how boys seem to like fake ass qirls like that.. Ah shitt ! what the fuck was that ?


Sean; ouch !

Carter; Omq im so sorry..are you ok ?

Sean; yeah are you ?

Carter; yeah ( on top of him )

Sean; ummm can you qet off me ?

Carter; Why?? I like it here ( Kiss his cheek)

Sean; (blush) umm I do too but your really squishinq me

Carter; oh sorry ( quickly qet off him )

Sean; thanks. what your name ?

Carter; Carter James.. You ?

Sean; Sean Phillips

Carter; hmmm i like it

Sean; like what ?

Carter; your name

Sean; OooooK ... ( Mutter under his breath..I don't care )

Carter; ( Pins him to the wall ) What was that ? wanna say it a little louder

Sean; I said i dont care..Im not scared of you..tired of niqqas who thinks just cause they have muscles..they could bully others..Fuck out of here ! Yall was never like that

Carter ; you done ?

Sean; yes im done...  now can you get your groin off me !

Carter; hmm i know that not what you really want

Sean; Actually it is so get off qonna be late for class

Carter; whatever ( qets off him )

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