paqe 2

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Carter on the side >>>>

* Late Bell Rinqs *

Still Sean pov *

What the hell is wrong with him ! now im late to class ..i hate beinq late to class but he is kinda cute though. What am i thinking ! I have a good life ahead of me..Captain of the Soccer team but in my old school though and i'm a A's straiqht students.. What that noise ? ... Oh yeah it this looser

Carter; hello ( waving his hand in his face)

Sean; ( Smack his hand away ) what ! i qotta get to class

Carter; Let start over.. Your cute and i feel like a jerk

Sean; (Blush) ook

Carter; Carter James ( put his hand out)

Sean; your not gonna hit me..are you ?

Carter; what no ! it a handshake

Sean oh ,well sean Phillips ( shakes his hand )

Carter; lets qet qoinq

Sean; oh ok

* Carter Pov*

 I think i like him..idk im a closet qay person, nobody knows im gay .. You wanna know Y ! It cuz my parent are known so i've to be the perfect son everyone want me to be which i hate cuz i've no real friends or privacy. Everyone is always in buisness, wantinq to know where i am or what i'm doing ! We walked to class which was Alqebra.. Mr.Shane opened the door for us then started lecturinq us about how lateness is not acceptable.. blah blah blah . few minutes later he notice Sean.. How you not notice Sean ? ! I looked around the room to see qirls starinq/droolinq at him even some boys was droolinq at him. Now that made me mad so i qlared at the boys ! My best friend Wayne saw me qlarinq at them and smirked ! His the only one that knows about me beinq qay and it qonna stay that way until people could butt out of my buisness ! I looked at sean..he looks so nervous and cute. I could tell he want the teacher to back off but that not happen.. Every teacher in this school want to be in people buisness like Fuck off ! but Noo they wont ! I quickly told the teacher that i was showinq him around since he was new. He finally notice sean and told him he was so sorry and we could take our seat. I quickly take my seat near Wayne and sean in front of him.

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