Two-17th Birthday

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I asked Cameron if he could come earlier than 3. I didn't want things to get even more awkward with me and Damon.

I sat on my bed, looking at my phone as I scrolled through my feed on Facebook. A few minutes later, I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I looked at the time.


Cameron must be here already.

I got up and opened my door with a smile. My smile immediately dropped, as I saw the person who had knocked. I tried to close my door on the person, but he got to it first.

"What do you want, Damon?" I asked him while walking to my bed.

"Care, I don't want you to have a birthday that started out crappy. Ok?"

I sat down on my bed and looked at him. "Ok. And?"

He sat down next to me. "Well, I just wanted to apologize. I'm sorry, for our argument we had this morning."

I nodded. "Ok." I, honestly, didn't have anything to say to him. He didn't do anything to hurt me, at this point, but he did hurt me when I needed him at my lowest and he was never there. The only person that was there for me, was my best friend and Cameron.

Damon raised an eyebrow. "O-ok? That's it? That's all your gonna say?"

I sighed and got up from my bed and walked to my bathroom. "What do you want me to say, Damon? I'm not gonna accept your apology for not being there when I needed you." I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair. I put it in a braid, coming over my shoulder.

Damon had followed me but stopped outside the door. "I'm not apologizing for not being there for you. I'm apologizing for the argument this morning."

I looked at him. "So, you're just, perfectly fine with what you did for the past 3 years?"

He rolled his eyes. "Caroline, you're making this a lot harder than it needs to be."

I shoved past Damon and walked into the kitchen to get a drink. "Your a 20-year-old, Damon, and you make your own decisions. I'm sorry, but apology not accepted."

He groaned and followed me. "Why can't you just accept it?!"

I turned around and looked at him. "And why couldn't you have just been there for me?!"

"I would've been there if you told me what was going on!"

"You knew what was going on with my friend, and you knew what was going on with dad and you still-"

"Why do you keep mentioning him?! He's gone! He's not here anymore!"

I scoffed. "That him is our father! He didn't choose to leave!"

"And if he was still here, I wouldn't be talking to you... And we wouldn't be as close as we are now."

"Yeah, well... That was your choice then and it's your choice now." I walked to the fridge.

"Why did you bring him up... again?" Damon asked me.

"Because that's the only way to get you to shut up." I smirked.


I looked at him, with juice in my hand. "I'm joking, Damon. Chill out." I grabbed a glass and poured some juice into it. "Listen, whether you like it or not, he still is your dad- our dad, Damon. And even though I know what he put us through, he is still part of the family."

Damon scoffed. "After what he did?! He killed-"

"Will you guys shut up already?!"

I looked over to the hallway opening. I saw my mom standing there, with her long brown hair, just like mine.

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