Superhero Complexes

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Moi-Moi: For unwavering support, this chapter is dedicated to Shinmei33. There's a DJ Khaled reference around here somewhere, but I won't bother. ;)


Kagome laid on her side on her bed as she stared blankly at her wall. She'd been laying in this position from the moment her friends had left that afternoon. Danny had offered to stay with her, but she'd denied the chance. She wanted to be alone. She needed to think about a few things.

Good and bad witches. Kagome had always known that ghosts and witches didn't get along. But she had no idea how deep the hatred between them ran. That ghost, Skulker, looked like he genuinely hated her without even knowing her. He did have a reason to though. She nearly turned him into a puddle of ectoplasm.

But she hadn't meant to! She just touched him with her magically-charged hands. She'd touched Danny all the time and he never melted into a puddle. How was she supposed to know that her powers were so...deadly? What she needed was some help- serious help.

Hearing two, soft knocks on her bedroom door, Kagome called out, "Come in."

"Hello, Kagome. How are you feeling?" Vlad asked and poked his head into the room.

"I'm fine."

Kagome kept up her staring contest with the wall, despite Vlad entering and coming over to stand next to her bed. "Your mother says that you had quite the day today. I'm sorry your outing with your friends was ruined," Vlad said with a frown.

"S'okay. I can go shopping anytime," Kagome replied.

Vlad folded and unfolded his arms over his chest. It was usually a lot easier to talk to Kagome. He had actually been able to get along quite well with Kagome. Their camaraderie had almost made Vlad wish that he had had children. "Are you hungry? Dinner is almost ready," Vlad prompted.

"I'll be down in a little while."

Vlad sighed before sitting on the edge of the bed. "I won't pretend to understand what you're feeling. Nor will I pretend to know the first thing about talking to teenagers. But I'm willing to objectively listen to whatever it is that is bothering you," Vlad tried. Was he even doing this right? Teenagers could be so temperamental. It was so easy to say the wrong thing. Maybe he should let Kimiko handle this? But he did want to help. Not for appearance's sake, but because he was genuinely worried about Kagome.

It took a while, but eventually she did respond to him. "I've only just found a way to control my magic, but all the control in the world won't help me if I don't have any idea how to use it. I nearly killed a ghost today going off of my instincts. That's scary. What if Skulker was right and all witches are instinctively ghost hunters?"

"Well then I would say that your mother does an excellent job of proving him wrong," Vlad answered. He would have to have a chat with Skulker about this. He couldn't have his employee going around and threatening this family.

"...She does. Doesn't she?" Kagome asked while sitting up slowly. Vlad watched Kagome stare at her wall with a look of intense consideration before realization took over. "That's it! Thank you, Vlad!" Kagome shouted happily while quickly embracing him. Before he could even respond, she was quickly dashing out of the room.

"Glad I could help?" Vlad said while standing with a shrug.

Kimiko was in the middle of resting the lasagna she had made onto the kitchen table when Kagome had suddenly slid on socked feet into the room. "Mama!" she shouted excitedly before rushing over to Kimiko. "I need your help."

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