Good Boy (Festive blowjob)

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Waking up at 8:00AM on Christmas morning to John Lennon straddling you, wearing a Santa hat is not the start to the day that anyone expects.

"What the fuck, John?" Were the first words Paul spoke that day. John just giggled, leaning in to connect his lips with the younger man's.

"Merry Crimble to you, too, Macca," he grinned. "Come downstairs, won't you? There's a present for you!"

"Well I'd bloody hope so, John, 'cos I got one for you,"

John pulled Paul in for another kiss, slower this time- deeper. He didn't need to rush, after all, did he? He took his time to make sure he knew exactly how Paul's lips tasted this morning; exactly how his breath smelt. He pulled away, gently, climbing off of Paul to let him get up.

"Can I wear the hat?" Paul asked, making to snatch it off of John's head. John slapped Paul's hand away much more violently than he intended.

"No, you most certainly cannot," he snapped, shaking his head, "Honestly, some people... Thinking they can take my hat..."

Paul laughed.

"It'd suit me better," he shrugged, running his hands over John's chest, lightly, "But whatever you say, Santa."

John raised an eyebrow, looking down at Paul and smirking. He stood there a second before sliding his arms under Paul's and picking the younger man up with a surprising amount of ease, sliding his hands up the back of his shirt. Paul giggled as John made for the stairs, nearly buckling under Paul's weight as he began to walk.

"Can you manage?" Paul laughed, tangling his fingers in John's hair, holding tightly onto the man's shoulders for support. John started down the steps.

"Of course I can," he sighed, legs wobbling a little bit. Getting down the stairs carrying Paul was going to be hard, "You're light as a feather, Macca."

Paul rolled his eyes, but let John carry him the rest of the way down the steps. He put the man down when they reached the bottom, gesturing for Paul to go into the sitting room, where a week ago they'd put up the Christmas tree.

"Ladies first," he grinned.

"Watch it, Lennon," Paul frowned, sticking his bottom lip out. But his pout soon dissipated as soon as he saw the tree. John hadn't just bought him one present. There were loads. And they weren't small, either. He spun around, face lit up.

"Are they all for me?" He asked, suddenly turning into a little kid; hardly able to contain his excitement.

John moved up behind Paul, sliding his arms around his boyfriend, resting his chin on Paul's shoulder.

"Yeah they are," he said softly, planting hot kisses on the back of Paul's neck, "Mm, say thank you to daddy, won't you? Like a good boy..."

Paul blushed, snuggling up against John.

"Thank you, daddy," he laughed.

John's hand squeezed at Paul's ass.

"Okay, then," he chuckled, leaving one last kiss just behind Paul's ear, "Go open them. God, I do spoil you don't I?"

"I don't mind," he shrugged, pulling away from John to get at the presents under the tree.

A pile of wrapping paper later, there was only one present left under the tree. Paul reached for it, but John grabbed his sleeve, holding his arm back.

"Oh no you don't..." He hissed in Paul's ear, fingers wandering over his chest, fiddling with the shirt buttons. He pulled Paul away from the tree a little and onto his lap. "I think you've had enough presents, don't you?"

Paul let out a small whine in protest, fidgeting against John's tight embrace.

"But you bought it for me..." He moaned, giving up on wrestling his way out of John's arms; relaxing his body against the guitarist's.

"So I get to decide if you get it or not," John snapped, silencing Paul. "I don't think you've been a good enough boy this year, Macca."

"I have!" Paul insisted, feeling John's breath warm the back of his neck, "John I've been really good, I promise."

"Go on, show me how much you want it...." He urged, spinning Paul around on his lap so the boy was facing him. To his surprise, Paul just started giggling.

"What?" John asked, somewhat disgruntled.

"You're still wearing the Santa hat," Paul laughed, biting his lip.


There was a moment of silence where John tried not to laugh, himself. He sighed, and the moment passed, and he moved his face so it was centimetres from Paul's.

"Well it looks like I'm Santa, then, doesn't it?" He whispered, "And Santa thinks you've been naughty this year, so if you want your present you'd better show him how good you can be."

Paul's face flushed red. He didn't look John in the eye, but opened his mouth to speak, before shutting it again. I mean, what did he even say to that?

"Go on then, Paulie, show Santa how good you can be," John grinned, pushing Paul's fringe from his eyes, "Why don't you put that pretty mouth of yours to good use, eh?"

Paul rolled his eyes, pushing himself from John's lap to on his knees on the floor.

"Watch the attitude." John warned.

Paul blushed even more, reaching for the zipper of John's trousers, pulling it down carefully. He hitched John's trousers and underwear just enough to reveal the older man's cock, already half hard. Paul looked up at John, raising an eyebrow.

"You were fidgeting a lot on my lap, you know," John shrugged.

Paul bit back a smirk. He didn't hesitate much more before taking John in his mouth; eliciting a moan as the man bucked his hips. Paul took the whole of John's erection in his mouth, gagging around it as it reached his throat; before sliding it back out again with a suck, leaving John throbbing and slick with spit. He knew how he liked it. He leant in again, this time just to run his tongue over the head, making John whimper and grab at Paul's hair.

"Oh come on, Paul," John moaned softly, "I know how quickly you can make me cum. Why don't you show me?"

Paul smirked, widening his eyes and looking up at John with as much innocence as someone giving a blowjob possibly could.

"But Santa, I've never sucked you off, before, how would you know?"

John scowled, swearing under his breath.

"Fuck you, Macca," he huffed, "Just make me cum, won't you?"

Paul smiled to himself, but did as John said, not wanting to push him too far. His mouth was back around John's cock, and he bobbed his head up and down, finding a the rhythm the man liked. Yes, this was just how John liked it. Sloppy with spit, and precum. John pushed up against Paul's mouth as he neared orgasm. He held the back of the younger man's head; fucking his mouth as he began to cum. Paul spluttered a little; not expecting John to cum this soon, before sliding his lips from his cock and opening his mouth to catch the older man's cum, swallowing. Showing what a good boy he was. John slumped back, relaxing, chest heaving, trying to catch his breath. He ruffled Paul's hair.

"Alright, you're a good boy, I believe you," he panted, leaning in to snatch a kiss, tasting himself on Paul's lips, "You can open your present now..."

Paul caught his own breath, and, wiping his mouth with his sleeve, made for the last present under the tree. John chuckled, wiping the cum from his trousers with a tissue from his pocket, and zipping them back up. He watched with a smile on his face as Paul opened the present. It was a dog tag necklace. Maybe a necklace seemed cheesy, maybe, but Christmas was cheesy anyway. Engraved on the silver metal of the tag were the words "John's little Elvis". A smile spread across Paul's face as he read them.

"Yer soft," he told John, unable to wipe the grin off of his face.

"Mm, only for you," John laughed, "So.... What do you say? Worth being a good boy for?"

Paul glared at John.

"If you hadn't just given me the cutest present ever, John Lennon, I might slap you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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