Chapter 2

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Layla tried opening her eyes only to find that they were swollen shut. She tried lifting her head, but a sharp pain went from her head down her back. She assessed her body and realized her head was strapped down to a hard table, as was the rest of her body. She didn’t feel hurt or damaged in any other way except her head injury. She tried to open her mouth, but that too would not budge. What was going on? She heard footsteps walk into the room and the door close with an echo. The footsteps got closer and she felt a hand touch her face. She dared not move, waiting, bidding her time to hopefully figure out where she was and an escape plan. Suddenly, she felt a burn on her face and over her eyes and she was finally able to open them realizing her eyes were not swollen shut, but duck taped as was her mouth. She looked into the eyes of the most brutal looking face she had possibly ever seen. His smile was like death, his teeth black and rotten appearing as tar and slime. His eyes were a murky brown, muddled with cataracts. His rancid breath hit her face, as his smirk grew wider.

“It seems you are ready to grace me with your most needed presence,” he whispered as he leaned in so close Layla’s eyes became cross. Her heart was pounding loud and fast and sweat started trickling its way down the side of her face leaving a trail of coolness in its wake.

Layla’s voice was sore from screaming for help in the tape and she began moaning from the pain all over her body. She felt bruised and beaten thanks to the creature gently passing it claws up and down her body gently slicing lines into her skin only enough to break the skin but not quite make her bleed.

“Mhhmm… Now if you are a good little girl I may take that tape off. Have you had enough screaming?” His scratchy weak voice said to her.

She tried to sink herself into the bed as his fingers ripped the tape from her mouth. “Who are you,” she finally asked her mouth completely dry. If she were going to die she would at least know the reasoning behind her death.

His smile grew wider, “That’s not your concern. The question is who are you?” Layla looked to him with confusion on her face. He laughed as he got up and approached her. “It’s strange, your blood is of great descent but yet you remain human. I cannot for the life of me figure out how. I’ve ran test after test just trying to find the common denominator but I cannot.” He began ranting as he slowly stopped talking to her and starting speaking more to himself. “What makes you so different? Who could have done this? Better yet, who would have the power to do this? I just don’t know.”

Layla had enough, “Obviously not you. I have no idea who you are or, or what you are but I know you are weak I can see it! So just let me go!” Instantly his face was in hers bearing fangs that certainly wasn’t possible to have. His murky eyes were black with rage and his teeth just continued to grow. Layla knew she made a mistake by challenging him, seeing now that he was not human. She didn’t know what he was.

“You’re lucky I cannot kill you or your blood would be drained from you instantly!” He yelled. Then he began sniffing her. “Mmmhmm, you do smell good don’t you?” She cringed away as he licked her face. “Maybe just one small taste.”

At that moment the door flung open as someone that Layla couldn’t see stormed in.

“You touch her again Bug and I swear I will kill you myself!” The man spat. Bug froze and hissed at the newcomer. “You know that is not my name! How dare you!” The man was immediately in his face squeezing his neck, finally putting her savior in Layla’s line of vision even if it was only the back of him. It didn’t matter though, she was thankful he stopped the man before he licked her even more, or worse. Before he put his fangs to her neck which she could only assume was the purpose for it. She had only ever seen them on Lucian.

“Try me!” the man growled to Bug challenging him. “How dare I? A lowlife like yourself, what do you think that I won’t snap your neck instantly?” The man hissed. Bug turned whiter than he already was while the man let him drop to the floor.

“Sorry Lord Lucian she had me a little worked up. Forgive me I did not realize what I was saying,” the man was hardly able to stutter out. Layla froze at that name. That wasn’t a common name… was it?

Lucian stood frozen, “See that you do not step out of line again.” Bug nodded as the man began turning around towards Layla. Layla held her breath hoping, begging that this couldn’t be true. As he faced her, she looked into the black eyes of her very literal nightmare. Lucian’s wicked smile appeared on his face as recognition and reality set in.

“This can’t be real. This can’t be! You’re a dream! Only my imagination,” she began hyperventilating. Lucian walked up to her with a sickening sweet smile and began undoing the straps that kept her head in place. He then moved on to her hands. Layla couldn’t help but to be drawn to him. His face moved in front of hers and he was slowly leaning into her lips. She stood frozen, eyes locked into his black abyss.

His lips were on her fierce and wanting. Layla’s body responded immediately grabbing him closer by the only fabric she could reach, the bottom of his shirt, and building her strength enough to push him away. Her body convulsed absolutely disgusted by the slime his lips left behind on hers.

Lucian snarled at her, his fangs elongating from his gums. He was not happy about what she did, but Layla didn’t care, she was tired of playing the victim. Every night with him wasn’t enough; she now had to deal with him in reality. The last thing Layla was thinking of was how any of this was possible, all she knew was fight or flight and she knew him very well. She’d die today. He lunged at her grabbing a fistful of hair in his hand and exposed her neck, ready to bite. Layla struggled with him, not going down without a fight. His teeth pressed down on her skin ready for the kill and then there was an explosion.

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