Requested by Kpopdestiny15 I hope you like it.
It was finally Friday I'm so glad I can go home after school and then sleep in. I jumped out of bed and ran to my closet and quickly got ready for school.
I ran downstairs to make myself breakfast then I left the house without warning my eomma. She will know where I am. Right?
Oh well anyways I'm currently walking to school right now. I pulled out my phone to check the time.
It read, I sighed since I realized I left my house too early but I continued to walk. I put my ear buds in and started humming to BTS Fire.
I stopped in my place when I heard some guys giggling, I turned around and there he was, the Kingka of my school. The one who always bullied me. Park Chanyeol
"Hey loser, did you miss me?" He asked me then smirked.
I decided to walk away without answer him.
"Yah! I'm talking to you y/n!" He shouted but I continued to walk away until I felt a strong grip on my left arm pulling me back.
"I said I was talking to you, don't walk away when I'm talking." He said then pushed me on the ground.
"Water! Now!" He yelled and his friends poored their bottles of water on me and started laughing.
I sat in the puddle of water and started to cry and the boys got silent.
"Why do you treat me like this? What did I do wrong? What have I ever fucking done to you to make you treat me this way? HUH?!? Why do you hate me?!?" I yelled then covered my face and cried.
"Boys go without me." I heard him whisper to his friends.
I heard foot steps coming closer to me so I put my hands down from my face and looked up to only meet Chanyeols face in front of me.
He grabbed me softly and hugged me
"Get away from me!" I struggled getting out of his hug by hitting his chest. He only hugged me harder to prevent me from hitting him."I'm sorry Y/N, I got carried away, I don't hate you." He whispered in his deep voice. I began to cry a little.
"I never meant to hurt you this badly, I...I...I...Just.." He sighed then let out a breathy "I love you a lot y/n"
I froze in my spot and blushed. Wait why am I blushing, y/n get a hold of yourself he's trying to play you.
"Y/n I really love you, this isn't a joke." He broke the hug and stared into my eyes.
"T... T-tell me what you like about me then." I said confidently. His face went serious and his big brown eyes shimmered.
"Your beautiful" he kissed my forehead
"Your smart" he kissed my cheek
"Your brave" he kissed, my other cheek
"Your laugh is adorable" he kissed my chin
"Your smile gives me butterflies"he chuckled and kissed my nose.
"And now your mine" he kissed my lips.
I froze in place to comprehend what was going on, he loves me and now he's kissing me.
I focused on what was happening on my lips and began to kiss him back. I took his red locks in my hand to pull him closer to me.

K-Pop Smuts & Imagines
ФанфикThese are Smuts and imagines for all you byuntaes out there. BTW I won't be taking any request anymore for a while. From Author Kim~💜🌹