Requested by @omgitsbangtan I hope you enjoy it.
Ughhhhhh I don't understand any of this. I raised my hand to ask if the teacher can come over and help me, but I forgot this is a test. So I put my hand down.
Aigoo ottoke.
The bell rang
"Ok class pass your tests forward face down please." The teacher spoke. I raised my head up and freaked.
All the students were gone except me.
"Wait wait I'm not done seonsaengnim." I ran to her desk and gave a pleading face.
"It's ok Thunder, I'll set up a tutor for you. This won't affect your grade it's just a quiz so I can see everyone's ability and effort." She explained
"Kamsamhamnida seonsaengnim I'll look forward to that tutor." I bowed and was about to walk away but my teacher called me again.
"Your tutor will be Park Jimin, please treat him well and respect him." She said and I bowed.
I squealed a little bit because Jimin is my crush since 7th grade
I walked out the class with my books in my arms. As I was walked down the hall I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.
I bumped into someone but I didn't know who it was.
"Excuse me" he said, his voice sounded very sweet. I looked up and he had a beautiful shimmering smile.
His eyes were like lines because he was smiling, his hair was the color of a apple very red and pigmented. He was wearing glasses.
He lended me a hand to get up. I took his hand and stood up and studied his features.
"Umm, miss are you ok?" He asked
"Um-i-i I'm ok t-thank you." I stuttered like a idiot. Good job Thunder made yourself sound like a fool.
"No problem, anyways my name is Jimin, Park Jimin." He reached his hand out for a handshake. HE TOUCHED MY HAND, PARK JIMIN TOUCHED ME! Sheesh he's so polite, how I wish more guys were like this nowadays.
"I know who you are I see you around school all the time but anyways my name is Thunder, it's nice to meet you Jimin." I smiled and shook his hand, his hands are very tiny, cute and soft.
I giggled at how cute they were.
"Whats funny?" He asked in a confused tone.
"Your hands are so tiny and cute." I giggled.
"Ahh, people always say that haha" he laughed with me. Then I remember what the teacher told me.
"So where are you heading to?" I asked him.
"My teacher called me because she said I have a new student to tutor so I have to go see who this person is." He said and my eyes grew big.
"That student is me." I said and smiled.
"Jinja? Well then this will be easier than I thought." He gave me a cheeky smile and I blushed lightly.
"Shall we go somewhere?" He asked. I nodded my head.
"We could go to my place, I live alone since my parents passed away and my unnie left to live with her husband." I said and put my head down a little remembering how I had a whole family but now I don't.
"Aww I'm sorry Thunder, I hope we can be really good friends, your a very beautiful and sweet girl. I'll be here if you need me for anything." He said and he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug.
I wrapped my arms around his torso and tried to stop myself from crying because I just met Jimin and I don't want him to think I'm a crybaby.
"Shall we go now, I'll take you to my house instead, arasso?" He broke the hug and grabbed my hand. I blushed and turned my head and replied.
"Ne let's go." I said and we headed out of the school grounds and walked to his house.
We soon arrived in front a gorgeous mansion. My eyes widen and my jaw dropped a little.
"Daebaek~" I cooed.
"You like it? My father bought this house for me. I live alone as well cause my parents live in LA because of their company." Jimin said and opened the door to the house and we walked in.
"Woahhhh, your house is beautiful." I said and looked around.
"Just like you." He said and I turned toward him and blushed.
"Mwo? Me beautiful ha that's funny, Jimin you don't have to say that cause I know it's not true." I said as I walked to the living room to sit on the couch.
"Who said It isn't true, Thunder your very very beautiful, don't listen to the people who said you aren't because you are beautiful to me." He put his hand on my chin and lifted my head so I could look at him.
I got lost in his eyes, he began to lean in and I found myself leaning in too. Soon his soft plump lips him mine.
The kiss was a new feeling and it was a good feeling a feeling I didn't want to go away but I did.
He pulled apart and stared in my eyes again, his arms wrap around my waist.
"Consider calling yourself mine. Cause now I claim you, so now nobody can hurt you or insult you." He said and stole another kiss from my lips.
"Ne Jimin oppa, ill be yours"
I blushed really hard at what I just said, I can't believe this is actually happening."You know Jimin, you have been my crush for 5 years and I'm glad to call you mine" I smiled and hugged him.
"Jinja? I've liked you for a long time too Thunder, I just didn't have the courage to walk up to a beautiful girl such as yourself and ask you out but now I have you" he said and lifted my head and kissed me passionately.
"I love you Park Jimin." I said between the kiss.
"I love you too Thunder." He broke the kiss and laid on the couch.
"Let's not do any work I wanna spend time with you." He said and pulled me over to him and I fell on his chest.
We laid like that for hours and watched movies. I felt my eyes getting heavy. I drifted off to sleep.
Meanwhile Jimin is still awake watching tv.
"Jagi, are you awake?" He asked and tucked my hair behind my ear but no response except for light snores.
He chuckled at my snores and turned off the tv and whispered in my ear.
"Goodnight beautiful, I love you Thunder." He planted his lips on my temple and fell asleep.
Annyeong Butterflies 🌹💜
How is everyone doing? I hope you all are doing good if not then hope you get better.Love you all❤ I hope you all enjoyed this Imagine.😄
Author Kim🌹💜

K-Pop Smuts & Imagines
FanfictionThese are Smuts and imagines for all you byuntaes out there. BTW I won't be taking any request anymore for a while. From Author Kim~💜🌹