chapter seven ϟ

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chapter seven | blue meets brown

     EYES BLUER THAN the Mediterranean Sea but eyes that sparkled like the stars of a midnight sky. These eyes did not come from a road of sunshine and daisies. Nor did they come from blood and darkness, no, these eyes—these beautiful, enchanting eyes—were those that screamed a life of pressure, deceit and lies. Eyes that beheld a longing for knowledge that were never given to her,  fooled by the deceptive bullets that shot and wounded her own being. Her eyes were cold and icy—a grey, frosty path that had one large snowball that hadn't melted yet.

     Jade stared at them, reading through archives and archives of a life that reminded so much of her own, as though she was an open book. She didn't like how those eyes sent chills to the back of her spine, and her demeanour suddenly darkened at the thought. It only came to Jade's realisation that the boy in front of her had asked a question as she tried to recollect what it was.

     "Jesy? Oh, yeah, she's over—lemme get her, I'll be back shortly." Jade said rapidly, accidentally slamming the door on the pair's faces, as the two audibly heard a loud name-call from behind the door.

     Zayn and Perrie waited patiently for Jesy to arrive. But Perrie's mind had been clouded with thoughts about the brunette that seemed so visibly intrigued by her. She stared at her with something Perrie was unfamiliar of, the brown eyes that seemed to not just stare at hers, but Perrie felt that they even looked beyond what it saw from the surface. Her gaze was a hard one to keep — they were bright, but dark at the same time.

     Confused, Perrie was somehow drawn to the brunette as she tried to focus her mind to something else, yet it so happens to always drift back to her. Her thoughts were drawn to a halt when the door opened once more.

     "Hi, what can we do for y—Zayn? W-What are you doing here?" Jesy's face changed when she saw the presence of the dark-haired boy. She looked guarded.

     "Er—can we come in?" He asked. Jesy nodded after a brief hesitation but opened the door wider for the two to enter, then she closed the door.

     "So...Do I need to repeat my question or?"

     Zayn chuckled, although Perrie could tell it was a fake one. "Um—Is this a good time to ask a few questions? Nothing interrogative, just some basic questions that—um—I can't answer." He asked, emphasising on the word as Jesy nodded in understanding.

     "Go on." She said. But before Zayn began, the door from one of the bedrooms opened which revealed the brunette from earlier. "Oh, hi Jade. You alright?"

     Jade furrowed her brows when she noticed the pair from earlier was now inside the house, her gaze lasted slightly longer on the blonde before shifting her sight back to Jesy. "Yeah, I'm fine. Who are they?" Jade asked quietly.

     Jesy still needed to get used to the less proud, less talkative and less confident Jade that she was so accustomed to when they were young. So she looked back at the two, realizing she hadn't properly introduced them to her.

     "Oh shit-right, um. Jade this is Zayn—" Jesy indicated her hand towards the dark-haired boy with inked arms, "—and, sorry love, I don't think I know you..?"

     "Perrie. Perrie Edwards." She replied, pursing her lips to a polite smile. Jade's ears perked up when the blonde mentioned her surname but decided to leave it for now.

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