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My heart lay in a shattered heap,

Scattered across the floor in a sea of glittering shards.

Each sliver equally beautiful,

And equally sharp.

Teardrops glisten as they roll down my cheeks,

Suspended in time before they drop to my feet.

Unable to move forward or back,

I bend to the ground unsure of what to do.

A woman sits staring bak at me.

Her eyes rimmed with red and eyelids heavy,

Yet a quiet strength resides beneath the steel-blue color.

She has seen heartache but also joy.

She has been scared but brave.

While sadness echoes from her soul,

She nods as if to say, "you can do this."

One by one, I pick up the pieces and put them together,

While not the same,

Beautiful she remains.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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