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It was a cold December morning when she woke up. The cold threatening to rip the warmth from her the second she stepped outside the boundaries of her bed, she stayed nestled underneath the protective blankets. Shielding herself from the cold, she willed herself to go back to bed. Soon enough, she could smell the fresh pancakes her mother was cooking. She could hear the sizzle of the bacon on the griddle as it cooked. "Carly get up. Your grandparents will be here soon.", her mother yelled from the kitchen. She somehow managed to rip the blankets off of her small frame and step out into the coldness that was her bedroom. Wearing only athletic shorts and an old t-shirt from her older sister, she shivered. She was immediately warmed as she walked from her room to the kitchen, through the living room where the Christmas tree and its lights shone brightly.

She stepped into the kitchen where her mother stood at the counter with a Christmas apron on piling a stack of pancakes higher than it should be piled. "Can you please take the butter and the syrup to the table?" ,her mother asked. Her mother's famous-infamous blueberry syrup. Her mouth watered as she picked out the two biggest pancakes from the stack. She smeared butter onto them and then drowned the stack in syrup. Eating them was the best part of her day, so far.

After she had finished eating, she trudged back to her room where she proceeded to get ready. A usual outfit of a black band tee, black jeans and black Converse All Stars. Her mom didn't approve of the all-black ensemble, but she was beyond caring what others thought of her. She walked across the hall to brush her teeth. After doing that, she went back to her room and did her makeup. She looked in the mirror and saw a broken girl looking back. Her foundation was almost too dark for her pale skin, even though it was the lightest shade available, porcelain. She applied concealer to her dark under eyes, caused by countless hours of staying up late and watching YouTube videos. She then did her eye makeup. Drawing on fierce wings for her eyeliner and coating her lashes in mascara. She took the eyeliner pencil and drew on cat whiskers just because she was wearing a Dan and Phil shirt that day. She put on her black "nerd shaped" glasses. All the black put her bright green eyes on show. They stood out more than ever against her pale skin and dark eyeliner. She threw her dark brown hair up into a messy bun and walked out of her room shutting the door and flipping the lights off as she went.

Sorry this is up so late. My parents and I went out to eat and by the time I finished it, it was already late. Anyways, I hope to get the next part up later tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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